there's a game i used to play when i was younger, but i cant remember the name.
it was an educational game like ozzie's world, which i think came out in 1995 & i used to play both of them in the late 90s ish.
there was a boy, a girl and a dragon (i think) & there were caves & you had to unscramble words, complete mazes & stuff. & then at the very end of the game you had to make the roller coaster go all the way round & make it stop at a certain point. i remember that not many people could do it at the time.
i think the title has something to do with 'time' but im not sure ..
ive been wanting to know for ages now & it's really bugging me.
anyone think they know it atall, maybe heard of it, or used to play it themselves ??!
thankyou :):)
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