by Babywarrior5 on Comments
I just feel like I need to rant a bit right now. :) I don't understand why people can't just admit that all consoles have strengths and faults. I mean, sure, I have a PS3 and I love it, but I don't go around bashing the 360 or calling somebody stupid just because they have one. For example, yeah the PS3 is more advanced hardware wise, but the 360 has more people playing it so you have a better online community. I don't get what is so hard for some people to admit about that. To qoute Yahtzee from his mailbag showdown episode of ZP, "I've never really understood the almost crusader-like fervor that consoles attract." I never really see many Wii crusaders either. I'm not sure why that is. Well, thank you for reading this, whoever you are! :)