It makes you wonder what the future holds. I predict short, brainless and expensive games. How short is nfs the run. I have to play games on higher difficulties else its no fun.
I thought it was too hard to figure out. The clues were there from the start. The watch, the car, the box of trials etc. I like how scott was trying to trace Gordy Kramer for the murder he didn't do. I never figured it out. I am on my forth play through. When you compare this game to farenheit i do prefer heavy rain as you dont know who the killer is in this one. Great game hope theres going to be more of the same soon.
How do veteran gamers feel about games since the release of next gen consoles. What has happened to action adventure and RPG games. There too easy, brainless, boring and short. Everything has changed. I miss resident evil you had to use your head and it was hard. Veteran on resident evil 5 is too easy and professional is stupidly difficult without upgrades or another human. Tomb raider games now have ridiculous hint systems. La Noire with half its content missing Final Fantasy xiii thats nothing like final fantasy games at all. Im not asking for final fanatsy 7 I am asking for something better but similiar. Story, Puzzles and Exploration with secrets. Games are being made for a broader audience which is great Newbies are more than welcome but veteran gamers want something too. The publishers have too much power over the industry. There should be a setting that turns off glowing items, tutorials, partner hint speech & stupid arrows Whats your thoughts??
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