ODST best soundtrack in the Halo series? perhaps. Best soundtrack ever? Keep dreaming fanboys. Legend of Zelda series is well known for its amazing soundtrack. Play through Ocarina of Time and then tell me ODST has the best soundtrack. Second place goes to MGS series
This is just a battle between the 10yr olds on Live, and the relentless players of PSN. Face it, ps3 does have more power then the 360 its a fact. If MSGR is going to be the same graphics, then either one of two things will happen 1. 360 gets a better engine 2. Ps3 version is downgraded in order to match that of 360. Both seem unlikely at the moment seeing as option one is hyped by Live kids and two by the PSN guys. I think that they'll just have different graphics that or they might even pull it from the 360. :/
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