try steam.. i know its not perfect.. and not many ppl like it.. but i think they do a nice job with those sales every week.. they got sometimes really nice prices especially older games are failry easy to get cheap if the timing is right.. might be worth a try..
depends on what u like... total war for strategy., when u just wanna chill... arma 3 for some serious shooter-action or saints row which is just pure fun and puts a smile on your face while playing xD
i watched tons of animes in my life... so there are a looot of good out there... atm watching Sword Art Online.. Its an anime about MMOs and how the ppl cant escape the game and if they die ingame, they die in reallife too etc... maybe worth a try for some ppl
1 - You don't have to be lvl 30 like in LoL and all Heroes are avaiable from start.. for free.. only thing is you get battle points and after a game.. a chance to get a free item.. (only cosmetic stuff.. or a different announcer ingame pretty neat tho) But that optional.. and with every new Level you get on your account you get one item too.. There are no runes, or weird other summoner spells like in LoL.. every1 is the same.. only skill is important.. 2 - If you have access to Dota 2 play it instead of the old DotA.. If you dont have a key.. then start with DotA (its lil bit harder to learn) Cuz of the Shop is more complex in the old dota, controls etc.. But those games are quiete similar ingame.. A good DotA player will easy really fast reach the same level in Dota 2.. u just need to practice lile bit 3 - In Dota u can lasthit ur own creeps.. thats called deny.. therefore the enemy hero will get less exp and no gold.. (only works tho when ur creep is low and just need one last hit) 4 - You should know that Dota is more complex than LoL or any other Moba.. if you can play LoL you will not have such a hard time with Dota.. at least not so hard as if you just started with a moba from scratch.. Thanks to the new Dota 2 you will have an easier start.. a lot of infos are ingame avaiable.. all skills, all items, all heroes etc.. and included are Bots too.. There's a "Skill-Level-System" in Dota 2 where u should only play with the ppl with the same level.. so that should help too.. But ofc ppl will always flame.. But yea ignore it.. you can add me on steam for more info.. i can easy help u with ur start in Dota 2 (or DotA) : just msg me and ill add you.. cya maybe ingame :D
no order... FF - Crisis Core and FF - Tactics Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops Monster Hunter 2nd G Daxter + Secret Agent Clank + Rachet and Clank GTA both titles.. God of War Tekken : DR more than 5.. but still.. it's a hard choice... don't forget patapon, lumines, n+, star wars unleashed, disagea, syphon filter, socom, crush, burnout, ridge racer, wipeout, ssx, killzone, marvel ultimate alliance
Valkyrie Profile X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Kingdom of Paradise Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure PoPoLoCrois The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch Jeanne D'Arc Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions this should be more than enough.. all got a nice story
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