Half- Life
Badfish_'s forum posts
@cantjustplay: I'm not sure how you're expectations got so high but this game will also be running around aimlessly and shooting lmao just because its not soldiers versus soldiers doesn't mean it's any more playable than call of duty. You're in a big forest, with a big monster, and guns. BIG WHOOP
how do you get B rank?? everyone says you have to get 5000 points but i'm playing on live and theres opponents who have less BP than me that have a B rank. What do I have to do? 0.o
I don't know what I want for christmas because normally it's some games but there are none that I want! Right now i'm looking foreward to getting a 3DS, Marvel vs Capcom 3, FEAR3, Crysis 2, and Duke Nukem Forever but as of now theres nothing. How bout you guys??
I always go for Akihiko. I always go with Mitsuri, Yukiko, and Akihiko as they provide a wide range of elemental attacks.
uhhh yukiko??
I would go with Akihiko. That's who I went with, and a lot of people on the P3P board also suggest that to others
thanks for the info!
hi i just defeated the second boss in p3p and now i have the choice of who i should use for battle. Im going back and forth between junpei and akihiko. the problem i have with akihiko is hes lower level than all my other guys and hes lightning type and i want my guy to mainly be lightning, and the problem with junpei is that i heard he ends up bieng a jackass later on and you cant use him for either 1-2 boss fights i forget. i appreciate any suggestions thanks :)
red dead redemption, blur, worth buying? and 360 or ps3?
mario galaxy, god of war 3 worth it?
hey there, so many games are coming out recently and later this year and i would like to know your opinion of the top games that are definately worth looking into. The ones i were looking to get consist of: Mario Galaxy 2, God of War 3, Blur, and Read Dead Redemption. So i would like to know are these worth getting? If they r for what console (The ones that are multiconsole) and what other games that are coming out this year should i be ready for?
thanks for the input
lol this game is amazing im just blowing off steam XD
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