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Bahlz Blog

Not talkin

Hey guys i haven't posted a blog in about a year but this will be the start to many to come the reason i haven't been posting that much is because i've been playing all the new games that just came out such as call of duty: world at war and Gears of War 2. I have gotten X box live since the non talk and it is the funniest thing to do now a days well i am tired of writing so goodbye for now.

Baseball Update

Well baseball has started again after my thanksgiving break. Coach let us off easy today all we had to dowere strechs5 runs of the football field 500 crunches and lifted weights then after we lifted we had to run three scenics(which is three times around the whole school) then he let us go home well from here on out i will only be updating you on the baseball thing every week in stead of every time we have conditioning.Also for health cla$$ we had a project on drugs right before thanksgiving break and i got 100% on it so that made me happy.:D

news on baseball

well baseball just started and im so sore and tired but it is worth it because it will all pay off in the end but any way i went and the coach worked us hard we had to run for ten minutes straght and the we had to squat agianst the wall 4 times for a minute and then we had to do 500 crunches after then we got to go home well i will keep yo updated on baseball. Thanksgiving is going to be boring because i have to go to my grandparents house in clear lake and their is no kids up there to play with so it will be boring.

Game Spot

Well today i am making my first blog well i dont know what to say so goodbye