the summer update is officially go! August is here and we're a week away before bioshock comes out and rocks my p.c so i'm planning to buy it the week it comes out and i hope yall go out and buy it we need to show irrational some love for what they've done with system shock 2,bioshock should do sys shock 2 justice so olease buy it.I'm been playing elder scrolls III:morrowind and it is deep and just engaging every playthrough it is just amazing you're always discovering something new and interesting my char is a level 1 breton mage (or something like that) but anyways it's fun and I'm going to play more after this blog.morrowind proves that you don't need graphics and style to justify a game. I stay at home now because it's humid as hell here and it's like some dark cloud of arthankand is over my neighborhood I hope to go back to reading some new books like the golden compass by phillip pullman and a song of fire and ice by george r.r. martin since I'm a huge fan of fantasy but I plan to do more reading and i'm thinking about getting some books on game development since I play games might as well learn how to make them so that's the update i'll go into doing my regular blogs soon as I can think of something to write on thx for reading now back to earning more reputation for my guild.
BaldursGate18 Blog
Why The Games For Windows Initiative Is A Good Thing
by BaldursGate18 on Comments
My new post on the Games For Windows and 360 titles.
by BaldursGate18 on Comments
Yesterday I caught the Microsoft press conference and I would like to give you my impressions.The press conference was a letdown somewhat with suprises here and there.Many of the announcements ranged from Gears Of War coming to P.C this holiday season,with new announcement of new multiplayer,content,and new co-op modes.Cliffy B,Gears lead designer came onstage to give us a demonstration where the lead character Marcus Fenix fought a towering monstrosity called a Brumak,and eventually destroyed it,but he didn't reveal what happened to the Brumak he left that up to the game.Also at the press conference we got a gameplay demonstration of Call Of Duty 4 by infinity ward studio head Grant Collier and Project lead Jason West where they were playing co-op on the 360.The game looks extremely polished and well,beautiful it looks like it's ready to be released any day now but we have to wait till November to play it. Microsoft has also announced that in Spring 2008 Grand Theft Auto IV will see the two epic episodes released for the Xbox 360, but the question remains,how much will it cost? Microsoft could charge for these two content downloads or Rockstar could do what epic did release the episodes for a price and then make it free later we'll have to see till then.Also in 2008 will see the release of Alan Wake,Fable 2,and Halo Wars for the Xbox 360.Now on to my favorite part the Games For Windows initiative Microsoft has finally gathered full support from top publishers EA,Actisvision,Sega,THQ,Take-Two,Vivendi games,and numerous others including Midway so now all games will come with the Games For Windows branding and support that will be featured on every branded title and to top things off Epic has offered the Unreal Engine 3 toolset for Games For Windows titles with Gears Of War and Unreal Tournament 3 will probably have full Games For Windows branding support,Live Anywhere,and full support for the P.C platform. Now back to the 360 we also caught glimpse at the surprise of the show Resident Evil 5 this time being set in North Africa in a zombie plagued village this was a far cry from where we saw it at E3 2005 where it was set in a South America town so it looks like the team at Capcom took some time and redid the setting and technology and it looks amazing and the character seems intact you still play as Chris Redfield from the first Resident Evil as opposed to Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 2.Also I would like to point out that the Microsoft guys got owned by the Rock Band team at Harmonix,and N.O. Saints quarterback Reggie Bush at the same time! Microsoft has also announced that for their downloadable content there're bringing Sonic The Hedgehog and Golden Axe from Sega.As for the Wave of Halo news,first offthe movie,Peter Moore announced that the Halo Movie that will be executive produced by Peter Jackson and directed by South African filmaker Neil Bloomkamp and will be out in 2008 they then showed footage of the movie which blew the audience away clearly it just brings nolstagia when you see the vehicles and locations from the game and it really was the most beautiful looking details and just depth not conveyed in the game.And lastly Finish The Fight! a new Halo 3 trailer was shown at last which was badass this time it featured more action and was just amazing.There will also be a pelican branded accesories and consoles with the Halo name and likeness being used.Microsoft lastly is releasinga keyboard for chat with windows live messenger. so that wraps up the micosoft press conference all in all it was an excellent showcase of titles and I can hope that games can get better and better from here and up the ante on delivering high quality interactive content for this gen and the next see ya next time when I get more into the p.c titles being shown at E3 2007 under the Games For Windows brand.Thamks for reading.
E3 Blog 1:Sega and Spielburg
by BaldursGate18 on Comments
The day is here! everybody from journalists and reporters have descended onto the Barker Hangar in sunny Santa Monica Pier here we arrive at a different E3 no longer filled with expensive booths and booth babes and huge auditoriums filled with everyone from gaming luminaries to cameras looking for the big announcements,we come to a smaller more ordinary,slimmed down,and not-what-it-used-to-be-the-gigantic-awesomeness-of-years-past-E3.So how will E3 fare well against the gigantic announcements and geeky fanfare and mythical epicnes? well I'm here to let you know that E3 will still have those awesome announcements and blockbuster games we're used to hearing and this new focus on the games and not the extra add-ons will bring us back to when E3 of it's early years which was what E3 was meant to be. So for yesterday N'Gai Croal interviewed filmaker Steven Spielburg on his involvement with EA on three games two have already been announced PQRS and LMNO, PQRS will be a puzzle game in spirit of games likethe block building game jenga with the appeal of a Saturday morning cartoon.It has been announced for the NIntendo Wii and was interestinly an idea Spielburg came up with while playing Wii tennis with Shigeru Miyamoto the resident genius over at Nintendo. The second project LMNO is the showcase of EA's famous "Can a video game make you cry?". The game stars a Ex.secret agent and a femme fatale virtual girl reminiscent of Cortana from Halo series,only catch is this character has full emotional responses that has her own responses she'll give according to your abilites and powers you choose what they attend to achieve is to have the environment have an impact on a player,and to have it give deeper meaning and responses through the game.EA has gone far as to say they implemented full facial capturing so you could see the virtual character give a fluid more reactionary response.Spielburg didn't reveal the third game though that will probably be revealed next year's E3. If EA and Spielburg deliver on these games he might be on the verge of creating a masterpiece alongside his notable movies E.T,Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.Will he conquer games as he conquered movies Stay Tuned! As for Sega,Sega has been busy as of late Sega's at E3 this year showing off their first-property offerings as well as third-party games.We still don't have any word on the two announced Alien properties,one being an RPG by Obsidian entertainment and FPS being developed by Gearbox Software of Brothers-In -Arms fame according to Sega of America president Simon Jeffery this game will have a premier on the scale of the Alien and Aliens movie franchise,the developers are working with 20th Century Fox on all handling of the property to assure it gets a amazing treatment probably Gears Of War style.Sega's also showing off The Golden Compass based on the upcoming christmas film which Sega is working with Shiny Entertainment which is famous for Enter The Matrix and it's being made in collaboration with the producers of the film.Sega also showed off their first party offering Nights:Journey into Dreams the sequel to the Nights series of games that appeared on the Dreamcast it's being released for the Nintendo Wii and will work with the will remote by guiding the character and using the analog to move the character.Universe At War will also be at E3 and it is coming along, the graphics have been completely redone to appeal more and also have been announced for Xbox 360 and will feature cross-platform multiplayer.and that 's all for right now I'll be right back with my opinions on the PS3 price cut and the rumor that Microsoft will cut the price of it's 360 and also the rumor of a PS3 movie download service.
Upcoming post on E3!!!
by BaldursGate18 on Comments
E3 is coming up so I've decided to do some coverage of E3 07 through news and thoughts and coverage on anticipated games coming up on the P.C and Xbox 360 so look out for that and some coverages of the three big conferences from Microsoft,Sony,and Nintendo with hopefully some links so you can see it on my page or you could catch it on Gamespot either way it's there so that's what's going on.I've haven't been posting because due to the lack of any news I've taken a break so I'll promise u that I'll be on the blog on july until then I'll be sippen maitai's and getting some sun see ya then.-BaldursGate18
The Next Thing in MMO's
by BaldursGate18 on Comments
Well, earlier I've signed on for the Tabula Rasa Beta which will probably be opened to the public in a couple of months I'm really excited for this game because after WOW,Guild Wars,and every other fantasy-based mmo I'm really yearning to try a game that's Sci-Fi since that's where my other interest is it's very awesome to see Richard Garriot, the creator of Ultima and Ultima underworld to finally take a break and try something new.Richard in my book has been my favorite creators and designers even though I've nevered played or completed an ultima game just reading through his story of how he broke into the industry at 17 making games on an apple II and his mission to create worlds and not just levels with bots really interested me as everyone know Ultima IV:Quest of the Avatar was probably one of the greatest RPG masterpieces ever created just reading about the game you see just how much influential this game would be on many RPG's afterwards or in Japanese Role-playing games and Ultima VII's would feature the world in full 3d and it would improve the series fully.The Ultima series to me is what The Lord Of The Rings was to the fantasy genre, the grandfather of them all.We could also remember playing Ultima Underworld series which was designed by some Key people from System Shock 1.Ultima Underworld and Eye Of The Beholder would influence the creation of the first-person shooter genre and it's success.So when I hear of Richard Garriot in any part of the game world I listen and I hear.When I first heard of Tabula Rasa, believe it or not I balked I thought why would someone give a game a weird name like "abula Rasa " it sounded foreign, it wasn't until Game Informer E3 edition that I found out that Tabula Rasa was being headed by a company named Destination Games which was started by Richard and his brother Robert which is now NCAustin and Robert Garriot is president of NCsoft American division, in the article it described the gameplay and a new language called logo's which is an alien language which when deciphered reveals special powers or helpful bonuses it really interested me when they said that Tabula Rasa was going to eschew expansion packs to have new stuff open through the game they also described that you could travel to different planets and have the freedom to pick ****s and then switch them if ur dissatisfied with the ****which was a plus because you can't switch ****s in fantasy mmo's you're pretty much stuck with that ****once you pick it. Tabula Rasa right when you hear about it has a much needed depth and FPS **** controls which will keep things happening instead of killing enemy A to go to enemy B on an everlong treadmill it just kills me to have to play a game and get mobbed from enemies and then die and have to pick them off one by one until they get wiped out so I'm hoping that this game deliver on it's promise to not let the questing feel like a work out.Tabula Rasa is the fresh air I need and I hope it has an bigger impact than ultima . Richard's first foray into the online arena was Ultima Online in 1997 but it was userped by SOE's Everquest series but was killed by WOW, Ultima Online didn't get the love from Electronic Arts when Richard Garriot pitched the idea to the higher up's there they refused to greenlight it because they thought it would flop even though UO would not be recieved years later at it's height it had over 500,000 people and after eight expansions it's finally getting an overhaul by EA Mythic so it should get the attention the success of UO online games became a priority and most of EA's p.c. houses were making MMO's but it wouldn't be long before Orgin System the renowed development house would be shut down by E.A. after the founding member of Origin and creator of Ultima would leave to start a company in Austin and work on the very thing they set out to destroy the vision of creating worlds.So in closing Tabula Rasa represents the renewed desire to finally create a world to rival the Azaroths and Tyria's of the MMO genre here's to one fun run into a new frontier thx for reading.
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