Yesterday I caught the Microsoft press conference and I would like to give you my impressions.The press conference was a letdown somewhat with suprises here and there.Many of the announcements ranged from Gears Of War coming to P.C this holiday season,with new announcement of new multiplayer,content,and new co-op modes.Cliffy B,Gears lead designer came onstage to give us a demonstration where the lead character Marcus Fenix fought a towering monstrosity called a Brumak,and eventually destroyed it,but he didn't reveal what happened to the Brumak he left that up to the game.Also at the press conference we got a gameplay demonstration of Call Of Duty 4 by infinity ward studio head Grant Collier and Project lead Jason West where they were playing co-op on the 360.The game looks extremely polished and well,beautiful it looks like it's ready to be released any day now but we have to wait till November to play it. Microsoft has also announced that in Spring 2008 Grand Theft Auto IV will see the two epic episodes released for the Xbox 360, but the question remains,how much will it cost? Microsoft could charge for these two content downloads or Rockstar could do what epic did release the episodes for a price and then make it free later we'll have to see till then.Also in 2008 will see the release of Alan Wake,Fable 2,and Halo Wars for the Xbox 360.Now on to my favorite part the Games For Windows initiative Microsoft has finally gathered full support from top publishers EA,Actisvision,Sega,THQ,Take-Two,Vivendi games,and numerous others including Midway so now all games will come with the Games For Windows branding and support that will be featured on every branded title and to top things off Epic has offered the Unreal Engine 3 toolset for Games For Windows titles with Gears Of War and Unreal Tournament 3 will probably have full Games For Windows branding support,Live Anywhere,and full support for the P.C platform. Now back to the 360 we also caught glimpse at the surprise of the show Resident Evil 5 this time being set in North Africa in a zombie plagued village this was a far cry from where we saw it at E3 2005 where it was set in a South America town so it looks like the team at Capcom took some time and redid the setting and technology and it looks amazing and the character seems intact you still play as Chris Redfield from the first Resident Evil as opposed to Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil 2.Also I would like to point out that the Microsoft guys got owned by the Rock Band team at Harmonix,and N.O. Saints quarterback Reggie Bush at the same time! Microsoft has also announced that for their downloadable content there're bringing Sonic The Hedgehog and Golden Axe from Sega.As for the Wave of Halo news,first offthe movie,Peter Moore announced that the Halo Movie that will be executive produced by Peter Jackson and directed by South African filmaker Neil Bloomkamp and will be out in 2008 they then showed footage of the movie which blew the audience away clearly it just brings nolstagia when you see the vehicles and locations from the game and it really was the most beautiful looking details and just depth not conveyed in the game.And lastly Finish The Fight! a new Halo 3 trailer was shown at last which was badass this time it featured more action and was just amazing.There will also be a pelican branded accesories and consoles with the Halo name and likeness being used.Microsoft lastly is releasinga keyboard for chat with windows live messenger. so that wraps up the micosoft press conference all in all it was an excellent showcase of titles and I can hope that games can get better and better from here and up the ante on delivering high quality interactive content for this gen and the next see ya next time when I get more into the p.c titles being shown at E3 2007 under the Games For Windows brand.Thamks for reading.
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