Why The Games For Windows Initiative Is A Good Thing
by BaldursGate18 on Comments
In this post I'm going to explain the Games For Windows initiative and how it's very important for P.C gamers.The reason I think It's important is because Microsoft (for better or for worse) is making in it's effort the p.c. an recognizable platform for gaming and by bringing exclusive titles like Crysis,Age Of Conan,Hellgate:London,and World In Conflict gives p.c. games a much better look compared when publishers were the ones in total control over it's product.The brand helps give the p.c more of it's personality and is a boon for U.S,and European developers who can finally attract an audience to play their games. The effects of the GFW initiative is showing the top publishers are devoting some of titles to p.c. AAA titles companies like EA,2k games,Sega,THQ,and Activision are bringing exclusive p.c titles to the platform Also with the p.c we are beginning to see quality games that feature amazing cover art,pedigree game developers,full features like DX-9 or DX10 support,all the bells and whistles like open ended gameplay,high quality story,full multiplayer support,and live anywhere and free Windows live feature that you won't have to pay for! This fall will see the oncoming tide of the GFW initiative with original and fresh titles that will push the boundaries of p.c game design in general. Next year we will also see exciting gaming titles for the p.c in games like Frontline:Fuel Of War from THQ,and Fallout 3 from Bethesda Softworks.Thanks to the fact that Microsoft is making the p.c as important as the Consoles,we as gamers will benefit from the variety of titles for public consumption.In closing I feel that the Game For Windows is really the shot in the arm that p.c gaming needs this year it feels as though we will see the best p.c game releases in a decade and this year and next year will show just how powerful and established the p.c really is.