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Borderlands, A sleeper has been awoken

Many sequels get more advertising due to the quality of their predecessor, other games get better advertising due to the renowned developers. Gearbox Software is mostly known for making Brothers in Arms, but that was only for so long, for now it is known for Borderlands their new innovative game, labeled with the Genre of RPS-Role Playing Shooter. Borderlands is not a widely known name, most people asked about the game Borderlands will not even know it was in existance. Borderlands is slowly being put into the awareness of the community, in which it will soon prevail.

Borderlands in 2007 was designed to be a rugged and dirty feeling game much like the other FPS games out today, The developers were fine with this feel, until they started making cover art for Borderlands, the cover art they designed was more bright, cartoony and had a better vibe than the graphics in the real game, the art directors soon showed the president Randy Pitchford their new design ideas which turned around the entire direction of Borderlands.

The direction of game completely changed as shown above, the game went from serious to a comical adventure.

Now to the actuall game


Roland: Soldier, Well rounded. His skill tree consists of Medic(heals other players by shooting them with healing bullets), Support(can give others ammo), Assault(focuses on damage). his special ability is to throw out a shielded turret that shoots by itself to the nearest target

Lilith: Siren, Mage/Rogue type ofcharacter Her skill tree consists of Controller(improves ability to slow type), Elemental(offensive casting abililty) and Assasain(increasing her melee and stealth abilities). her special ability is to be able to enter a phasewalk, in which she turns invisible, and as she exits the phasewalk she lets out an AOE blast.

Mordecai: The Sniper, his skill tree consists of Gunslinger(most likely going to work with pistols), Sniper(Self explanatory) and Rogue(not sure, could increase the skill of his bloodwing). The bloodwing is his special skill, Bloodwing is a hawk/bat that is able to blow people up, cut them in half, or just recieve loot

Brick: The tank: his skill tree consists of Tank(another self explanatory), blaster(most likely going to increase explosive damage) and the last is Brawler(most likely will increase his melee of his special ability). His special ability is a beserk in which he puts his weapon away and takes out his fists, which is his new weapon for the duration of the berserk.

Here is an example of a skill tree

Starting Power ----
Tree 1 - Tree 2 - Tree 3
A - B -- A - B -- A - B
C - D -- C - D -- C - D
E - F -- E - F -- E - F
- G ------ G ------ G -

5 Points in a combination of A/B for each individual tree lets you get to C/D
5 Points in a combination of C/D for each individual tree lets you get to E/F
5 Points in a combination of E/F for each individual tree lets you get to G of that tree
G = Super Power
You can put 5 points in to G
To max out a tree you would have to use 5x7 = 35 with 45 total skills you could completely max out 1 tree and have 10 points. To reach G takes 5x3 / 15. You could take 3 skills or combinations there-of from each tree by the time you're 50 and never once use any of the "Super Powers"

Points start when you hit level 5 (so cap is 50 you get 46 skill points although you HAVE to spend 1 on the starting power so you get 45)

The skill tree consists of passive and active abilities


If you search the game Borderlands, you will almost always hear about all the loot. There are so much guns in this game, that not even Gearbox knows how many, their guess is over 15 million guns. They are rated on a color coding system(like WoW). Example the colors might be white/green/blue/purple. The way you acquire them in the game is picking them off the ground from enemies, the loot system is free for all so to get the gun you want you have to pick it up first. This loot system can be controversial. Advice is to play with friends you trust so you can give the gun to the person who will gain the most benefits. The inventory system to hold all this loot does not measure by weight like Fallout 3, but rather by slots, you can increase the slots in your inventory bag by buying them or completing missions


The game also allows vehicular combat with a number of different vehicles. Vehicles are allowed thousands of different customization options. Only 2 can fit in a vehicle, and you can switch seats in the vehicle at any time, even in mid battle.


Borderlands is a 4 player Co-op that is drop in drop out, the enemies scale on the number of people in the group, it alsohas 2 player offline splitscreen option. the only type of multiplayer in the game is Dueling and 2v2 Arena matches. To start a duel, two characters must interact by using their melee attack and hit one another, if both characters accept the duel, then a dome falls around the characters and the duel begins. the losing character inthe duel gets reduced to 1 health instead of dieng. the normal result of death while fighting the NPC will send you back to the nearest checkpoint, causing you to walk or drive back to where you originally were. Arenas are located in certain areas, in which you can set up a 2v2 match or a free for all match.

Borderlands is released on October 20th 2009. Gamestop Pre-order gives you extra skins for guns when you start.

Any other questions focusing on an aspect of the game, message me (Ballinup)

Resistance 2, and other shocking suprises!

So... the big Resistance 2... lives up!

The way the co-op has changed the game is just amazing. Its an incredible change in shooters and i think this is where it scores. It forces players to communicate and have to work on a team, this makes everyone have microphones, for the people that cant stand games where people dont talk ( Warhawk ) this game is based on communication. the 3 classes allowed for the co-op are designed to fit each player for the way they like to play. Soldiers are up on the front line, and must rely on the special ops for ammo. the medics can heal as long as they gather enough energy for it, the medics usually can roam alone but should followg groups to make sure nobody dies, because if you dont heal anyone, people get mad. The special ops can stay behind and shoot from long range, doing a decent amount of damage, but have to go up eventually to aid the other players with ammo. the co-op is amazing i would prefer this. the co-op also allows each class to gain levels, and with level gains you can obtain new armor and new weapons, so it gives something to work for.

The competitive multiplayer is, i guess you can say, same old stuff. It is still fun but not really what i wouldve wanted and not really as breathtaking as the other aspects of the game. the different type of games some give nice diversity. its a let down, because after playing co-op i thought it would be better. I know i will be playing co-op more. My guess on this game with be a 8.5-9.0 only because of hwo common shooters now days. and this is how i think the multiplayer will be scored, and from from i hear about the single player, it should put it up even more! this game will not be a let down.

Speaking of let down, in my other news.

Shocker 1: Socom confrontation with a score of 6.5! the anticipated game, as best online shooter, from what i hear, it blows. If socom cant make a good online for 32 players how in the world can they make a good one for 256 players in MAG!

Shocker 2: Have you seen Fable 2? look at the rating. I would think a game that 360 fans rave and rave about would score higher than a 8.5. This game made people buy a 360. and all they got was a 8.5. Looks like that game fell on its face.

Ps3 Bragging rights: LBP gets a 9.0 from gamespot! we always told those 360 lovers we had LBP in our pocket. and who scores higher, our LBP. I cant wait to actually play some of this. too bad it got held back a week.


Getting my Ps3 August 24!

Games: Warhawk, MGS4, Cant decide third.

Also getting a whole bunch of other junk should be 600 dollars +

Upcoming Shooters, Ps3

Lets take a look at the shooters coming to Ps3!

SOCOM:Confrontation: All online! All focus is based on online play so that is a nice start. Ducking behind cover can be controlled by six-axis! How next-gen is that! All around good game.

Killzone 2: If you have seen this game you would already know its a quick hit. It has allowance of class combination for your perfect feel. This shooter is going to bring a whole new meaning to FPS! Huge multiplayer also gives huge excitement.

Resistance 2: This is going to be a good one, 8 person co-op, now that will be interesting. Also expanding the multiplayer mode. The campaign is going to be sick. 300 foot monsters, thats not something you wanna take home to parents. I would give.

Resident Evil 5: Not really a shooter but it qualifies.This is not going to be my most anticipated game but I am sure it will be good, the small bit I saw in the conference could not completely sum it up for me, but I like how they focus it on a team base.

M.A.G: I dont even need to explain this one, one number can explain it... 256!!! Incredible eh, There has been a fuss over possibility of lag but im sure they will get the job done.

Far Cry 2: Dont think it will be best shooter out at the time, but it will contend with the big guys, new added in stealth mode, to play in any feature of light you play best in. Gives you the choice on the gameplay.

Fracture: Definatly one of the least talked about shooter out. The ability to change the map you are playing on, but believe me in an very different way than BF:BC. Now imagine their 12 player multiplayer, 12 people changing the map to their own game style to mix up the whole game. This game is very unique but dont think it will deliver as amazing.

Fallout 3: Going to somewhat be a Rpg shooter, will turn out interesting, but doesnt look half bad.

Mercenaries 2: Looks incredible, Gives ability to call in any vehicle you want. Allows drop in Co-op online. Even if never played the first one this vast game will give tons of fun.

Project Origin: Actually smart A.I! Also bringing back the slow-mo. Nice amount of weapons and more than 2 can be carried. Not going to be the best but this might be worth buying.

Ps3 turning into a shooter console.

360 vs. Ps3


Graphics: Ps3 is Better than 360 anyday, I mean come on its Blu-ray!

Live: XBL better community.

Games: Ps3 will soon take this category in a heart beat.

Ps3 lasts longer.

Ps3 wins easy.

360 kind of sucks now sorry Halo fanboys!