SEGA have so many exclusive franchises up their sleve that its admirable they don't whore them out every second year *cough*nintendosquare*cough*. They all have so much potential at the right hands:
Microsoft and Sega had a really good relationship, and MS provided the OS for the Dreamcast. I'm suprised Microsoft didn't buy them up after the DC, go co-release a console - that wouldve been awesome.
No. Like I said - not a Halo fan, had never played a Halo game before, but I was satisfied with the ending - it was very atmospheric. I was expecting a "You Finished the Fight - Thanks for Playing" type of ending, but I was pleasantly suprised.
In recent memory, yes. I've only just started gaming again after about 6 years hiatus so...
So because your expectations were so incredibly LOW (Not even based on Previous Halo experience), you clicked on a Favorite Ending Thread and posted Halo 3 as your FAVORITE?
Yes, in recent memory. I've only just come back to gaming after a 6-7 year hiatus, so I didn't play alot of the "big hits" of recent years. I also loved Pazer Dragoon Saga's ending :)
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