Hi,everyone.I'm still doing some work on my geography and american government groups,but I had time to take a break and make another post.
The first thing to tell is that I'm now leveled up to Level 24."I Feel Asleep!!",whatever that means.
Second,I already finish playing Castlevania:Lament of Innocence and I need help on doing this.Here is my point of view of this game via the old rating system.
I need to know what will the decimal be if the person rating those 5 things the old fashion way.But,I can't figure it out.If any of you can help me on this,send me a comment on here.I already sent a letter about this to blofa,because he helped me out on one occasion when I was making a review for the first devil may cry.But he is in school now,so that's why I'm asking you guys on this.
Once I get the decimal,I'll round it off to the new way of reviewing games,make a review for Lament of Innocence and there it goes. I'll see you guys later,I have to go finish up my work for my co-op groups.