First, I changed my christmas list a bit. I'm going to repost it on here again. It's the same thing, but with just mroe items added.
- A natural view (Those things that show a picture of an island or waterfall with lights reflecting as water.)
- A camera with better quality and a microphone (Stuff for me to make video blogs)
- A Wii or a PS3
- A GBA or a DS
- Jeff Dunham Arguing with Myself or Spark of Insanity DVD
- A large size Guitar Hero 3 T-Shirt
- Book Marks from an artist name Ed Beard Jr.
- Any Video Game theme T-Shirt (Except the ones that deal with Rock Band or World of Warcraft)
- 32 x 32 size pants and shorts and also, more large size shirts (Since I'm running low on clothes)
- Atreyu's CD "Lead Sails Paper Anchor"
- Rise Against's CD "Siren Song of the Counter Culture"
- A calender with my favorite interests (Examples: Dragons, Rock bands I listen to, Video Games and so on)
- A Nintendo Game Boy wallet (I saw one of those in Hot Topics in a mall from where I live and it looked awesome.)
- Gift Cards to Fye, Hot Topics and Gamestop
So, that's the stuff that's on my new christmas list. Now, on to IGN's games.
60. Prince of Persia
59. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
58. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
57. ICO
56. NHL '94
55. Final Fantasy 2
54. Contra
53. Rome: Total War
52. Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty
51. Sonic the Hedgehog
I didn't play a lot out of the ones mentioned on these. I played Prince of Perisa. It was an unlockable feature in Sands of Time. I played ICO and it was ok. Sonic the Hedgehog will always remain a big hit.
Third, one of my friends cyan_rey made a blog post on wanting to make more friends. I'm doing this, because I don't want him to be lonely with less friends. He has 6 friends, but he wants to make more. So, check him out and see what you think.
And last but not least, I bought a Nintendo shirt at Hot Topics a few days ago. It's all the members of the Super Mario gang.
See ya later.