First of all,I wanted to show people this for a very long time.My photo of my history project of the history of video games.I made it in my first year of Homeschool in 2004.I don't have it any longer,but I swear to god,that was probably my favorite history project I made before my recent history project of Stan Lee.
Here is the link to it and the link on where I got the infomation from.¤t=HistoryofGaming.jpg
And also,here is my review for lament of innocence.I changed my thoughts about the gameplay,because I was going to mention that the game is lacking the RPG elements to it,but that's like saying that I have played the past castlevania games before.I haven't because this was my first castlevania game I played,so I changed my decimal rating from 7.5 to 8.0.I'm still disappointed by it.