First, I want to say that I watch the finals for the Team Fortress 2 tournament yesterday and it was intense. I level up to level 27: Sheng Long.
History Update:
Sheng Long is a fake character in the street fighter series. He was created by Electronic Gamely Monthly as an April Fool's gag in an April 1992 issue.
Here is the gag:
EGM did another gag of him saying that he was in Street Fighter 3. But this time, they did not finish their explanation of how to reach him: "To reach him, you will need at least six perfects and..." were the last words of the article (EGM #93, April 1997). And for a short time, sources said that it is true.
That was a history update of Sheng Long, the rank of level 27. My reviews for Kingdom Hearts and Guitar Hero 3 are going to take longer because I've been trying to unlock everything on Guitar Hero 3 and level up a lot in Kingdom Hearts. But I'm not going to stop making reviews. I will make them, but it will take a lot longer to wait. So, be prepared.
I also joined a website called Facebook. How many of you heard of it and do you own an account on there because I want to make friends on there.