I'd be disappointed if the game was as bad as ODST. As long as they change the gameplay and add in some new things I'll be happy.
But I think it's gonna suck if it's one of those games where you order your team around and junk.
What I really want is a game that provides the backstory for Master chief. Like throughout the game you play as Master chief as he becomes whatever he is now. I think it would be pretty cool (for those of you who've read the books) for the first encounter he has with Elites and Brutes because they kicked his a$$.
I bought it because it's $20. If you liked the first one then you have to buy this one because it adds a lot to the story. Also, the DLC Reborn totally changed what I thought the third FEAR is going to involve. The action is intense throughout the whole game and it maintains the creepy atmosphere in the first one. I did notice that it was pretty easy though. Much easier than the first one. But I mainly got it for the story and because making my friends play it never gets old.
PS- I haven't played the multiplayer yet but it looks to be similar to Call of Duty. And they have a free mappack download.
I had more fun playing it in 3rd person, wish they would make that into big team deathmatch instead of team tactical. It's a lot easier when you can look around corners for a camper. In fact, no one was camping in any of the 3rd person team tactical games I played.
But, yeah, this game is getting pretty old. I think if they took out some of the killstreaks (AC 130 and chopper gunner) and akimbo that the game would get better. The killstreaks are pretty stupid because they encourage camping. I say we should only be able to get the above killstreaks from a supply drop.
"Stop. I don't know who you think I am but I have a legion of 4,000 daughters waiting on an offshore island. AllI have to do is press this button and they'll find you. And once they do, well.....you'll die of dehydration."
I recently got on powernotebooks.com and bought a Powerpro laptop for around $1400. But the site allows you to customize your computer to fit your budget.
I would love to see Sniper Elite brought to xbox 360, it is compatible. But what I want is them to update the graphics and maybe change the story, it's a little outdated. But that game was awesome! It had co-op, third person view, sniping with wind and gravity in effect, and when you sniped someone the camera would zoom in on the bullet and circle around it and stuff!
Totally awesome.
I also agree that Doom 3 should be brought onto the 360. :D
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