Bannsai's forum posts
360 is not cheap. why? heres why:
first i ill need a console to play on. i dont want to pay mutch so ill pick core system and one mem card. but i want to atleast play with friends online so 4 years of gold live (Until the new xbox comes out). now ill sum up the cost in SEK. Thats what i have to pay anyway :(
Core System - 2699 SEK
Memory card 64mb - 379 SEK
4x 12months xboxlive - 549 x 4 = 2196 SEK
Total: 5274 SEK = 755USD 20 cents
soo for 1000 SEK i get and ps3 that has 60gb HDD, wireless controller, Wifi, blu-ray(great for games so you dont have to swap DVDs) and also PS3 games thends to have lower price tags here as well. this 360 set up have no back compability at all. the euro ps3 have atleast some. not mutch thoe :( the thing the 360 has is the games. but most games are gonna be multi platfrom so you dont miss many games. the only games you miss are first party developed games. halo, fabel, killzone etc... most of 360 exlkusive titles end up on pc later on. I have had 360 and Iam one of those that hate smal fees here and there. It always end up being more money spent in the long run. the 360 is now totaly dead. sold it to a poor friend of mine while it was still working almost perfect.
just one last thing. the guy that said the bony is forcing blu-ray on us ps3 oweners. i dissagre. i hate disk swaping! BR is good for the games soo they can be BIG. yes you can compress on dvd but you can do that on BR aswell. and all that is compressed needs to be unpacked before being used.
If you want a 360 goahead and buy one (i did and regret that i did.). Iam now happy with my ps3 and are looking forward to more great games. need to play the ones i have first before getting new ones.
Corps FTW =P
8.5 /10
- Easy to use. beginners pick up easily.
- Good default icons
- It's Fast!
- Lack of customization
I not sure if this is the case for rest of europe but from where i am (in Sweden) we have mutch higher tax rate 25% and mayby customs add to the higher price. The result is ps3 costing 6500SEK = 930USD and then add 2 games for 1000SEK = 143USD and a nice HDMI cabel for 200SEK = 28USD
All together cost 1101 USD! (Gamespot says 600 is "a bit pricy" for most poeple.)
PS2 was pricy here to when it shiped 4500SEK + mem card 500SEK = 5000SEK = 716USD
We also have the PAL curse & 15% tax for online gaming... sucks living in europe and being an gamer :(
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