In a time where games are constantly trying to push the envelope graphically, and trying to find new innovative ways of playing, have developers, or even ourselves forgotten what is the most important component of a game?
Of course, this is like asking what your favourite food is, so feel free to leave a comment on what most of all makes a game for you. I personally, as just about anybody will say, that having fantastic graphics, game play, etc. all together is phenomenal. However, for me, a game has to be fun most of all. If a game feels like a chore for a long period of time, that isn't a game its another chore.
In a time of HDTV and Blu-Ray discs, it is easy to forget how fun older games like Tetris, Pac-Man or Sonic were. These original games that are icons of the gaming world, do not have top of the range graphics compared to today for obvious reasons, yet there are those who don't play them anymore or never have done so because of the graphics. This i find to be somewhat...horrifying really. These are gaming icons which are still just as fun to pick up and play even today, which is a testament to their status. It never feels like a chore when you play these games, and if you are fortunate to have been around when they were first released like i was for Sonic, you no doubt will have fond memories of playing these games for hours. The soul of what it is to be a gamer is held in these older icons.
While there are new games out there which deserve to be called some of the best games ever due to amazing graphics, story, game play etc. Remember folks, that games *especially for me* have to make me enjoy what im playing. The day we stopped enjoying playing games would be a sad day indeed. Show love for the fun factor! 8)