So I am going to try and do this again. The last explanation I started got lost somehow. This blog actually began on 1/1/11, but this is a do-over.
There has been some talk on the threads about my alter ego 2012 so I thought I would start a blog about my escapades, but not post it, until someone actually asks me. "Barbie, are you 2012?"
When I began my HarDHar profile, I just pulled an old profile off the Wii and changed the name. I was simply messing with everyone because I knew I would be called out immediately because of the racers index. Imagine my surprise when the old profile had never made it to the index and HarDHar made a big stir. I thought it was pretty funny, but I also know the deductive reasoning that that goes on in these threads, so I knew it would only be a matter of time before someone would ask Barbie "Is it you?"
What started off as a day of fooling around under the radar, became a fun game of 'who can catch me first'? I have been leaving clues ever since this oddysey began. Once, early on, I flashed the purple lobster at Dynamo accidently and played in Plat. Canada with Snooog. But the most important clue being in my very first blog when I spoke of how much excitebots has helped me through some very traumatic times over the past year and a half. And then a few days before Christmas, I posted the news that after a long illness, my father had passed away. I wasn't looking for sympathy, I was just leaving another clue. It wasn't that Barbie wasn't playing as much, it was just she was kinda having an identity crisis.
I wasn't feeling so HarDHar anymore, thus the name change to 2012, black roach, world icon. All doom and gloom. You know, the whole end of the world scenario, Mayan calander, end of days.
Things took a hilarious turn the other day when 2012(with a trick I learned all on my own Top) beat Topstar in Bronze Scotland and Top wrote "Who are you?"
I also gave a major clue to Big Air the day Bots101 won her 100th poker win. Bots101 had gotten disconnected right at the finish line, so when we got back to the lobby, I changed my bot color to Bots101's color to stall and wait for her to come back into the room. When she did return, I also noticed it had credited her with her 100th win so I began celebrating with her.
One day Dynamo flashed the lizard so I hurried up and flashed it back and left to go to poker. He did come meet me for poker, so now 2012 had a different signal for poker than Barbie. I was also very tickled when Dynamo posted the lizard sign for the rest of the board so I could now communicate with more members. THANKS DYNAMO! Even with the name change you are still my buddy!!!
All of these silly "Shenanigans" have all been done in fun, and again, have been extremely therapeutic in avoiding lifes dilemmas. Thanks again fellas for helping me through another very difficult time without ever being aware of your contributions.
I'll post more as it happens.
Tuesday 1-4-11
2012 reached a couple of milestones today. One being 700 excite wins and the other being 100 poker wins. I believe I was racing snooog(stats and icon matched) last night after he changed his name to Don!key. Don't know what that name was all about, but he raced me several times in poker until I reached 99 wins and then he abruptly left. Guess he didn't want to contribute to 2012's poker milestone, but thanks to my good buddy Dynamo, I achieved the 100th this evening and funny thing is, Snooog was in the lobby after the race :D
2012 just made the poker achievement thread. WOO WHOO!
No hints today for the fellas other than my poker racing **** I'll give them something later in the week before the tournament on friday. Let's see what happens.
Well well well. Checked the threads this morning and NoGood wrote " Been to the future(MMXII) and discovered the truth" and now everyone thinks 2012 is really NoGood and even asked why he kept it secret. His reply was very ambiguous and he didn't actually say he was 2012 or I would have had to post this blog earlier than anticipated. But in response to Tops question, It began as a joke, turned into a mystery, and now has become my regular racing 9's profile. I figured I would have one 9's profile in regular and 1 in poker.
The other day Cody asked 2012 to play poker by changing his name to poker??. After a couple of races, he bailed and came back into regular racing with another name change, so I bailed and came back with NOPoKR? He continued to bail and change his name to ask me questions, so just to irritate, I changed my name to CRYBABY. WOW did that work. He wrote something very ugly about 2012 in the threads and said 2012 owed him an apology. I apologize Cody. I was only trying to create a "punk" persona to deflect any suspicion away from Barbie. Last week, when Barbie and Cody were having a few words, Barbie wrote "Don't be such a crybaby" to give yet another clue and even referred to myself in the 3rd person thus showing there was more than 1 name for me.;) All of this has apparently gone unnoticed, but it hasn't kept me from giving clues. I thought maybe the poker races might give me away after I changed to the lobster when Top was in the room, but no one said anything. So I will keep giving clues unless someone actually tries to say they are 2012 and then I will go ahead and post my blog.
Although I do love racing anonymously, I'm considering telling the fellas about this other persona and it's mainly because of Poker. I love regular racing incognito, but when it's time for poker, I would like to go in as Barbie to help get to my 9's. I can't flash the lizard in regular and show up as Barbie....Or can I?? Now that I've written that out, I think I will do JUST that and then see who guesses it first. That will be my dead giveaway. I say it will be Dynamo. He's always been a great poker buddy. I'm sure he will probably get the connection. Gonna go see right now who is on.
I flashed the lobster at Big Air today when I was 2012, but showed up in poker as Barbie. Ratspot was there also and Big stalled the lobby with the chicken to let 2012 join. I flashed him the black lobster to hint I was 2012, but I think he thought it meant I was getting mad at his stalling. He didn't post anything, so I don't guess he made the connection. I did the same thing this morning to Cophed. If I keep doing this, it shouldn't be long before someone finally asks me if 2012 is Barbie, especially since I don't want to waste any more poker wins on 2012. He was cutting into my poker 9's too much.
Maybe it's because I'm being sneaky, but today when Big Air posted "JOOM, PM" and Joom posted "got it and back" I wanted to say, "what's the big secret fellas" I mean I have been giving them clue after clue, but no one has made the connection or they just aren't saying anything. I even flashed the lobster to Topstar today as 2012 but showed up in poker as Barbie. I figured if anyone would say something it would be Top. Also today, I was in regular racing as 2012 with Legs and 3 others, and the computer randomly picked Plat. Guat. I bet 2500 as did legs, but I beelined and DQ'd 3 of the 4 racers and still won the race and legs got her first 2500 loss, I went to the threads and told the fellas about giving Legs the loss, but I neglected to mention I wasn't Barbie. I was kinda hoping maybe Looney aka Legs would pop up on the board and bust me out. Well, guess we wait a bit longer on posting this blog.
I've been trying to get everyone to guess my secret, but so far, no one has said a word. We had a beelining bowl on Sunday, Jan. 23rd, and when Snooog posted his friend code, I noticed the 4 middle numbers were 2012, so I said, "Hmm, interesting" to see if anyone else would bite, but no takers. Snooog replied with, "It's my Indiana FC" to which I replied, "Just wondering if it was prophecy or revelation". Still Nothing.
There's a conspiracy afloat here folks. I think the guys are ignoring 2012 to try and make him come forward, which at this point I figured I would just keep flashing poker as 2012 and showing up as Barbie until some one finally gets it and says something.
Speaking of saying something, I also figured since I was revealing the identity of my alter ego, I would also share a few more revelations that might answer a few more questions and stir the board up just a tad.
First big mystery I would like to solve is the disappearance of Danno. Yes, Danno is Dead, the profile deleted long ago, but his inspiration was still around, but only incognito. I know all this because I am married to him. I've mentioned on several occassions about my husbands involvement, but what everyone didn't realize was, He is just as addicted to this game and to the happenings on these threads as I am. We are both so addicted to this game that....*HERE COMES ANOTHER BIG REVEAL*....We had to buy a 2nd Wii. Actually, We had one on loan while the owner was trying to find somewhere to live. We ended up with it for about 6 months and found we couldn't live without it, so when it went back to it's owner, we purchased our own..*Getting this connection Top?* I am not only married to Danno, his aka would also be Miley aka Bots. Topstar once asked why Miley would spend so much time building up her profile if she knew she had to give back the Wii. The answer to that is because Miley started off as a big Joke. He just wanted an irritating girlie name and he thought of Miley Cyrus. TA DA!
I am just as competitive as the rest of you and I have taken great pleasure over the years at beating my husband at EVERYTHING. Yes, I said it and I'm not sorry. He stopped playing games of any kind with me, whether board games, video games, or cards, a long time ago because of his frustration at losing all the time. I suppose I could have let him win a game here or there, but Hey, what is winning if it isn't earned? He isn't my child, he's my husband. But Excitebots has brought back our Wii time :lol:
Now the cat is out of the bag and after Tops Milestone extravaganza, I can work on my 9's in both profiles. I'm trying to get close to 4000 in regular excite, but Poker has been too booming.
So there you have it fellas. Anything else you want to ask me?????
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