Hey all. I found something you guyshave to check. Its this series of horror/mystery/creepy youtube videos that are REALLY good and anyone interested in a horror/mysteray series MUST check it out. First, only videos uploaded by marblehornets and video responses by totheark are part of it, anything else is fake. Also, the one of the main things it revolves around is the slender man, the series assumes that people already knw the basic stories about him, so heres a quick read on him (literally, its is really quick).
Slender man link: http://www.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/page/Slender+Man
Know the series starts sorta slow, but picks up steam quickly, videosranging from 45 seconds to 10 min. long. Its starts with an introduction video about the series and conitunes in the video Entry #1, then Entry#1, etc. When watching if there is ever a video reply from totheark, watch it, as it connects to the main entrys.
Introduction video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmhfn3mgWUI&feature=share
I want to share this and hope to get some disscussion going, if you already know of it and watch, lets talk!
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