Bardock47 / Member

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Metroid Prime Hunters Review

So this is a game I really enjoyed when i first got it years ago on the DS. Going back and playing it, I must say that it has lost much of its appeal.

Technically speaking, the game is really good. The prime art style really comes through, and the graphics are well done. Designs on the hunters (and final boss) are really cool. I enjoyed the rival bounty hunter aspect alot! It was a cool chance to add some new characters to the universe. The music is pretty solid, as well as the sound in general. The weapons all have cool sounds that are unique, and I love the sounds of the menu when interacting with the ship interface! Enemies sound cool as well, specifically the final boss always had a awesome battle cry. Overall the presentation is great, and the fault only comes with the gameplay and some choices that contradict Metroid, as well as handheld formats.

First lets get the story out of the way; it is rather basic but serves the purpose. A telepathic message is sent out from a remote location of space called the Alimbic Cluster say that the key to ultimate power resides there. The Galactic Federation send Samus to investigate the source and find the apparent weapon. Her goal is to every claim it for the federation, or failing that destroy it. However, rival Hunters also intercepted the message and want the power for their own motivations. Samus must gain access to this weapon by finding 8 Ocoliths spread across four planets within the cluster while fending off these other hunters to unlock the gate to the weapons location. That is the general plot in a nut shell, the universe is further fleshed out by the scan visor for those looking to explore the history of the long gone inhabitants of these planets. A missed opportunity is the hunters though. They are never characterized and it could have been really neat to see Samus interact with Rivals, or even forge bonds with fellow warriors. However, the motives are never really given; all of them attack Samus on sight and really steals the wind from their sails. It adds a twist to the gameplay though. If you are defeated by a hunter they will take one of Samus's Ocoliths, and she must track them down and get it back. I thought it was a neat idea and added some tension to the hunter battles.

The gameplay is interesting to say the least. The game controls fine at first glance, but the problem is the way it is played it hand cramp inducing. After a while it becomes uncomfortable to play; Kid Icarus: Uprising faced a similar issue. It hurts Hunters more because the design of the game isn't something to pick up and play for 20 or so minutes. Its a slower methodical game to explore every nook and cranny for every secret. Uprising is designed in a way that caters to its platform, it allows the player to enjoy the game and get out in a short amount of time. So if people were starting to cramp they can finish and take a break, or try and play through.While Fusion and Zero Mission make it work; I am focusing on the controls. Uprising knew it could get crampy after a while, and the way the game is designed is to help alleviate that. Fusion and Zero Mission don't have that issue at all, and aren't constrained by that issue; allowing them to design games that follow the traditional metroid experience. As I said, Hunters is designed like a Prime title; so it isn't based on getting in and out, or designed around the cramping issues and it suffers. The constant use of precise aiming doesn't really help matters either.

The actual game plays more like an actiony Prime-lite. It is very much based on Prime, but the levels are never as long, the puzzles complicated, or exploration very deep. The game is much more action based and it feels rather shallow. The newest additions are all the new beam weapons Samus can use. Really they are used to open color coded doors, or hit special targets. Its not till the end boss are they actually used meaningfully. However, when not cramping, the actiony bits are fun and the Hunters are a blast to fight. The end boss is wonderful, and the secret version is easy, but still fun. However, the other bosses are extremely lame. The same two bosses get repeated for every single level, meaning you'll the same two bosses four times each; and the designs are really boring. Its shame when seeing what a great boss battle looks like at the end. They could have done much more.

Finally the Multiplayer...well it is offline, but we can still play with bots! Actually its pretty fun to play. The default setting have it so matches don't last long, which helps to alleviate cramping. It is apparent most of the design was based around this mode, with so many contradictory design choices in the SP. The bots can have the difficulty changed as well. Another cool thing is each hunter has a beam weapon that is 'theirs'. This weapon will do something extra for that hunter. For example, Samus's signature weapon isn't any of the new beams but the missiles. So her missiles are the only ones that have a homing property. Overll the MP is a good time.

Wrapping up, I have mixed feeling coming back to Hunters. The single player was shallow, my hand hurt, and aside from the MP and a couple cool nuggets in the SP I was let down by the homecoming of the game. Its just alright. Nothing awful, but nothing great.

What do you all think?