Barinaman / Member

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Barinaman Blog


hey my buds, havent posted in awhile. dont know why i havent. guess i just got lazy or somehtin. anyway, this post is just about saying hi. SO HI !!!!!!!! :-):p

Animal Crossing Wild World

Right now Animal Crossing Wild World is my favorite DS game. One of my favorite aspects of it are the sky, the able sisters store, and the town hall. I love how you can go to the observatory and make constellations. The sky is cool because you can see the weather and the presents that are floating around. Another thing is I like how the designers put in a sling shot to knock the presents down. The able sisters store is new and improved.  I like how they sell clothes and accessories like  glasses , mustaches,  and hats.  I love every aspect of the town hall.  I like how the post office and the information are there. One other thing I like the recycle bin. I've been picking up some good furniture. The WiFi for it just blew my mind. The way you can visit peoples towns and be hundreds of miles away is awesome!!!! Two things I miss are the wishing well and the train station. :'( Use to love arriving in the train and i loved making snowmen around the wishing well because it was round. That's all I have to say about Animal Crossing Wild World. If you want to visit me in my town or I can visit you in yours here’s my stuff so you can add me and hen give me your stuff.
Name: Barina
Town: Boxlande
Code: 2964 1365 9163
Hope to see you soon! :)

Favorite DS Titles

Hey, these are some of my favorate titles for the and what I think are the best for the Nintendo DS.
First off I'd like to say that the new Animal Crossing is da bomb! I loved how you arrive in your town in a car. I also like that all your people live in the same house, but it can get a little crazy when it comes to decorating.
Secondly, Advance Wars Dal Strike. This one really makes think and strategise about what you are going to do. Although the first like 15 mission are extremely easy they really turn on the heat later in the game.
Third, Wario Ware. This is a must have if you like arcade style games. I love using the stylus and I like how they incorporated the mike into the one set of mini games.
Fourth. Mairo Kart. WOW, this game blew my socks off. I love how you can play online.
And last one of the first games I got for the DS, Super Mario 64. If you like the one for the the N64 this will knock you out. The mini games were a very good touch.
These games are all my favorites. If you are thinking about getting a DS you should get some or all of these titles. I hope ypu enjoy my reviews.

Animal Crossing DS friend codes

Hey, I need people to come to my town. Heres my code, name and town: Code:296413659163 Name:Barina Town:Boxlande I hope you'll give me your stuff and we can hang out in our towns together!