@TheKungFool @Baron_B @dani_i89 Dark Souls is open-world man. But what I would like them to do is, fix all those complaints I mentioned. Especially their games' combat is incredibly flawed. Scale down on the size of the world, and fix those flaws instead. Quality over quantity.
@PartyGavinParty But how? The majority of quests are the same (except the Daedric Artifact quests, those are great), the majority of dungeons are the same, there are bugs and glitches aplenty, etc. I like what Bethesda is trying to do, but I feel like they're trying to do too Much.
@dani_i89 TES games have clunky combat, copy and paste fetch quests, stiff animations, bad story/script/voice-acting, dumb AI, and are full of bugs... Only if mods counted would it have a CHANCE for best series of the decade. They should take some notes from From Software.
@famekiller @Baron_B But there's nothing to claim! :P A game is either AAA or it isn't. It doesn't have anything to do with quality, but with budget. High budget = AAA. And most Ubisoft games are high budget games (there are some exceptions like Rayman Origins).
@goggles123456 Might have something to do with the fact that you're cherry-picking. I also doubt people will still be talking about AC in 20 years, but that's because AC is the CoD of adventure games. Look at Shadow of the Colossus, Half-Life 2, Portal, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dead Space, Journey, Bastion. Plenty of amazing modern games are out there.
Baron_B's comments