In Games TM Magazine, it is reported that 80% of the general gaming population never finish their games. At first , it sounds like a ridiculous amount, but after some asking around of my own, it seems rather accurate. About 75% of my students who play games, never finish them. Most of my friends start games, getting as far as the last boss sometimes, then quit.
While I understand not finishing a bad game (why waste your time), I simply don't understand the practice of playing through a game, only to stop at the end. What kind of masturbatory torture is this? Clearly, the game was good enough to go this far! Why stop now?
Look at it this way too: if you really enjoy a particular title, would you not want to get the most out of it? What about the fact that you just spent $50 on a great gaming experience? Would you not want to get your moneys worth? Again, the aforementioned behavior hurts my brain even more after discussing these issues.
So, do you beat em, and if not, why?