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I thought we where done with this?

For the majority of my gaming life, I have been an avid importer. If you where to graze through my collection, you would notice that about 98% of my games and systems are Japanese imports. The reason for this is one of purity: As many of you know, the localization process that a game goes through can be brutal on the original product, especially games of the 16-bit era. Without being long winded, let us just say that I have always preferred my games uncensored, and in the original light that they where indented.

With the gaming global market growing, we are seeing less and less editing in games that come to us from Japan. In fact, some of these games are coming to America first, unabated from their original vision, and in some cases with extra content. I’m sure this is the direct result of American gamers demanding more-serious content, and a greater awareness of the global industry in general.

It is with this continuing development that I decided to buy a few US versions of some games through the last few months. It was nice to see that the games where indeed 100% intact and un-edited. Games like Okami and God Hand where untouched save for cover art and English Language. A surprise, since Capcom used to be known for some of the vilest editing in history. Take a look at the Original Biohazard on the PSone, and compare it to the US version. Ouch!!!

So, with this development, I decided to buy the US version of Genji for the PS3 (I know, I’m probably the only person in the Gamspot community that digs the game. Deal with it). Not only was the US version of the original on the PS2 untouched, but since this game came out in a seven day difference between the Japanese and US release, I figured they would be 100% identical.

So I bought it, and started to play through. I’m about halfway though the game, when a package arrives from my friend in Japan. She bought me some great Devil May Cry stuff for my Birthday, and the Japanese version of Genji on the PS3. I thought to myself, “Cool! I’ll give this a try.” So I put the game in, and began playing what seemed to be the exact same game……at first.

I begin hacking some baddies up as usual, and something seemed different. “I don’t remember blood seething from the Heshi, splattering on the ground and walls rather realistically?” It continues: “Wait, there wasn’t this many enemies her,e and those weren’t there before!” I also noticed that the Japanese version supports uncompressed linear PCM audio with true 7.1 surround.

To make sure I wasn’t crazy, I popped in the US version again. Indeed, there is no linear PCM support, and indeed the blood is missing in the US version. I look again at the ESRB rating. Teen? Did they remove the blood to get a "Teen" rating? Suddenly I get flashbacks of the whole Sega/Nintendo/Mortal Kombat fiasco, and at that instant, I had a “Ralphie moment” from XMAS Story: “Son of a B!^$H!!!!”

I thought we where passed this crap? In a country where Gears of War and Grand Theft Auto reign supreme, we still need to remove the occasion splat of blood? All this for a game on a system that no “kid” could possibly mow enough laws to afford? What, pray tell is the reason for this? Did they really have to have another “teen” game so bad that removing the blood was an OK deal? And why, why was the linear PCM audio option removed?

I know, I know: The blood has no effect on game play, but what of the principle of giving us the product as originally intended? Good or bad game aside, I hate spending $60 on something that is edited, and incomplete. If you are going to remove something, let me know, and charge me less. You might say: “Who cares about 7.1 uncompressed audio? Who cares if it’s missing?”

I, the consumer do.

I’m sure no one wants to buy a book with pages ripped out, for the same reasons why I don’t want to buy a game with missing content. This may only be an isolated incident in a trend of keeping games “as they are” from Japan, but until I no longer have to question that, I’ll keep importing.