Whenever new hardware is on the horizon, I like to take a look at what games interest me, then do a comparison. This helps decide how I should allocate my spending money, and decide what to get first. So, in the light of TGS, here I go:
Devil May Cry 4: The game I am most anticipating
Genji 2: Loved the first.
Heavenly Sword: Beautiful.
Ridge Racer 7: Digital Crack.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma: "I will have my revenge".
Lair: The closest thing to a Panzer Dragoon fix I'll get.
Warhawk: Looks to fun to pass up.
Heroes: Suda 51. Nuff said.
XBOX 360
Alien Hominid: One of my fave PS2 games, in HD!
Castle Crashers: More Behemoth Goodness!
Needless to say, a great deal of what I am after will be PS3 bound. I already have a 360, and currently have no intention on purchasing a Wii. All I know is come PS3 launch, I'll be hopelessly enthralled in RR7 and Genji while I wait for the rest.
Man, I'm going to be eating A LOT of Ramen.
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