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Time for the 360

Usually, I'm the kind of person who buys a console the day of release (that means in Japan), save for the X BOX, X BOX 360, and Game Cube. Often times there are quality games the day of launch that will keep my busy for a long time. Like the X BOX and Cube, the 360 had little to entice, until now.

I was looking at my list of desirable software:

1. Ridge Racer 6: Love, love, LOVE the series.

2. Condemned: Flawed, but I love the dark stuff.

3. Burnout Revenge: Need I say more?

4. Geometry wars: Robotron on Crack? Yes!!!

5. SF2 Turbo: The best Street Fighter, and one of the best fighters ever made.....on-line!

6. Dead Rising: Beat-em-Up plus Zombies? Count me in!!!

7. 99 Knights: It's Mizuguchi. Nuff said.

So, it is time. Time for a 360 (not the rip-off 180 as Shifty calls it), and some decent gaming. Can't wait to see 1080 i gaming as I play another 285 races, and kick the crud out of folks in SF Turbo.

Life, is good.