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Barry_RE Blog

Dead Space and Gears of War 2

So now I have finally completed Dead Space and my god! WHAT A AWESUME GAME!!! It'sthe best horror game to Xbox 360 and etc. It took me 16-17 hours to finish it on Hard. But what a great game, I really hope to see another Dead Space very soon.

And soon Gears of War 2 is here and boy do I looking forward to it! I really love that they have done the multiplayer for the better and now it's just nine days left so maybe I better take does four last achievements on Gears1 ;)

Iam back and its E3 2008

Hey! I have been away for a while now but Iam going to be more online now on gamespot! I hope you all know that E3 2008 starts today and 18.30 Mircrosoft is going to have there press conference but the one thing Iam looking for is the new trailer and info about Resident Evil 5 because as you know Remedy isn't going to show Alan Wake on E3.... What the heck happened to Alan Wake anyway? I think its really odd that we haven't heard any of it yet. But anyway have a nice day at E3 2008!!!!!!!!! :D

Devil May Cry 4 in Europe the eigth February!

Hi! Is has been along time since the last time i was here on GameSpot. And I am for the moment playing the DMC 4 demo to Xbox 360 and i have played it so much and long now. It really rocks and i have allready pre-orderd the hole game a couple of weeks ago. But i think this game will really rock!!!

Racism In Resident Evil 5?

Okey! hi! And welcome to my latest blogg. Now I'm going to be dead serious, Because this subject is quite big too a lot of people.

To day on a swedish game site , they posted a news report about a debate that was about, if Resident Evil 5 is going to be a game with racism in it. Well iam very upset over this because i can't believe that some people think that it is racism when you have zombies that are skin coloured in a freaking video game. I for one did'nt even think about this when i saw the trailers for this game, the only thing i saw was a old hero that was being attacked by a bunch of zombies. Yes! Of course some of you say: , but wait a minute the zombies are black and they are being killed by a white man up there! , Okey! To you i say it is a VIDEO GAME. It is'nt real it's a fantasy game! , And if we are in africa don't you think it is black people there then?

The thing iam trying to say is, try to see it like i do! There are just a bunch of people and don't think of it like this oh it is two different rases. Think of it like this: It's a regular video game. And was i defended by Resident Evil 4 because of it was white people who was killed NOO! Because it is a video game.

And I Will be damned if the game have too release later then what they first thought , if they are going to focuss on not having coloured people in the game!

There are no different rases only one rase it is, It is the human rase not black , not white etc.

Gears of War And Resident Evil 5 trailer 3

A day at EB-GAMES:

Oh! Hi! , Today was a very big and great day for me I first woke up at 09.00 and i the first thing i did was to go to EB-GAMES and I gived back Wario Ware crapy moves and in return i got Gears of War Special edition. And i got 48 hours free gold membership! So on monday iam going to play online on Gears of War and The Darkness. But to the main topic of this blogg! : Gears of War the game of the year 2006 and yes that i got it.

What do i think of the game? Well.... I love it so freaking much. I have played so much GoW today and when i first meet a Berserker then i allmost crap my pants i flow right up in the in sky. Man this is a very scary game and COOL too. 10/10 i give it and Gears of War is the best game to 360 for the moment.

Resident Evil 5:

Today at 17.30 i first saw the new trailer (3) for Resident Evil 5 and when I first saw the gameplay i was completly stun! i love RE5 so much now. And i can't even wait for it to release but lucky for my i will get a lot of good games well i'm waiting for it .... GTA IV, Halo 3, Biochock etc.

But if you want to play Gears of War or The Darkness online then just add my gamertag : DanielTheREFan

Bungie you got me

I have now seen the new Halo 3 trailer from this years E3 and I can say that iam not a halo fan. But now I can say that I really is i was first not really into the halo story buit i begun to realize that it look so great and i just must have it. Okey i can say that the grafic is'nt as good as Resident Evil 5 but it is GOOD!!! And i will go and pre-order the game at Tv-spelsbörsen in sweden and i will go straight up to Bengt-Åke (it's the man wwho owns the store and i will say: ''I want Halo 3 and PLEASE!! Can i pre-order it'' Hehe but seriously, Halo 3 has really open my eyes.

Fate or what?

What do you call this fate or what? On the day i got new RE5 info i got level 5 on HAHA freeaking ASWUM!!!

The Best Day Of My Life....

Today i finally cleared the Test in teori for car driving and know i only have my driving test left and then i will get my licinse! But iam so happy today and just can't stop smiling i don't know why hihihi:oops: , And this week is the last week i will work for Carlia Bil in Falun and Borlänge it is a big car corporation in sweden and i get up 5.00 Am every morning , it's a little bit hard but now when this week is over then i have worked for four weeks. Can't really believe it hehe :lol:....

And iam listning to Snowpatrol - If i just lay here. It is such a great song and beautiful! It makes me feel so good and calm. And it makes me think of a special girl...

Xbox 360 games.....

Hi! Now iam finally back , but I have played Xbox 360 like theres no tomorrow!!!

First with my premium pack i got Dead Rising by Capcom and Oh! My! GOD! It is so freaking fun and a little grose to play! ;) And now i have Condemned and Just Cause to my collection. And i live in sweden, so in august then i will buy Bioshock and later Halo 3 and GTA IV!

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