Okey! hi! And welcome to my latest blogg. Now I'm going to be dead serious, Because this subject is quite big too a lot of people.
To day on a swedish game site , they posted a news report about a debate that was about, if Resident Evil 5 is going to be a game with racism in it. Well iam very upset over this because i can't believe that some people think that it is racism when you have zombies that are skin coloured in a freaking video game. I for one did'nt even think about this when i saw the trailers for this game, the only thing i saw was a old hero that was being attacked by a bunch of zombies. Yes! Of course some of you say: , but wait a minute the zombies are black and they are being killed by a white man up there! , Okey! To you i say it is a VIDEO GAME. It is'nt real it's a fantasy game! , And if we are in africa don't you think it is black people there then?
The thing iam trying to say is, try to see it like i do! There are just a bunch of people and don't think of it like this oh it is two different rases. Think of it like this: It's a regular video game. And was i defended by Resident Evil 4 because of it was white people who was killed NOO! Because it is a video game.
And I Will be damned if the game have too release later then what they first thought , if they are going to focuss on not having coloured people in the game!
There are no different rases only one rase it is, It is the human rase not black , not white etc.
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