A day at EB-GAMES:
Oh! Hi! , Today was a very big and great day for me I first woke up at 09.00 and i the first thing i did was to go to EB-GAMES and I gived back Wario Ware crapy moves and in return i got Gears of War Special edition. And i got 48 hours free gold membership! So on monday iam going to play online on Gears of War and The Darkness. But to the main topic of this blogg! : Gears of War the game of the year 2006 and yes that i got it.
What do i think of the game? Well.... I love it so freaking much. I have played so much GoW today and when i first meet a Berserker then i allmost crap my pants i flow right up in the in sky. Man this is a very scary game and COOL too. 10/10 i give it and Gears of War is the best game to 360 for the moment.
Resident Evil 5:
Today at 17.30 i first saw the new trailer (3) for Resident Evil 5 and when I first saw the gameplay i was completly stun! i love RE5 so much now. And i can't even wait for it to release but lucky for my i will get a lot of good games well i'm waiting for it .... GTA IV, Halo 3, Biochock etc.
But if you want to play Gears of War or The Darkness online then just add my gamertag : DanielTheREFan