Barsy7 / Member

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Adventures of Barsy7: Chapter 2

I mentioned my PSN name in my last blog so I thought I should share a funny story about multiplayer. I recently got into fighters this gen with SF4 and Blazblue. I have about 2 years of experience playing online. I notice a help thread for beginners in the BB forum. I respond to the noob and convinced him I would help him get better. I suggested a private room so no one could disturb us.
Little did he know I had no intention of helping him but crushing him. I hold back a lot in the first few matches letting him build up confidence. The perfect timing arises, I pick my main. I sandbagged him the entire match making sure I had the conditions for a astral finish. Then it happened he stood next to me on wakeup. I let it rip :lol: . He responded with a "I thought we were just training". I quickly tell him "Sorry, just wanted to try it. You can hit me with one the next round". That too is a lie as I intend to go all out on him. That I did and astraled him again for more lulz. He left the room after the match. I took the initiative and messaged him saying "DESTROYED" and "OWNED". He didn't respond back so he must have been choking on his tears. He got perfected both rounds as well :lol:
Only the strong deserve to play fighters. He only has himself to blame for being so bad.