Bartz_Clauser's forum posts
OK, well let me refrase the question, smart guy, what ever happened to common courtesy? I bet you wouldn`t go jump into a football game and suddenly run the wrong direction. IT`S THE SAME THING KET! People only do it on xbl cause they know they can get away with it, in real life you would get your ass kicked.
In real life you wouldnt team kill and also I agree wih ket in your lifetime or anyone elses lifetime youd never make it within he to 1000 on the leaderboards. Also if is so bad why did IW put it in the game also on ranked matches? Should have made it like gears of war ranked if they get ticked about a little team killing. people need to chill and let crap slide its just a game your not getting paid and plus footballs different you get rewarded for what you do what do you get for getting up on he leaderboards anyways? NOTHING
When is it time to change? Well after seeing some of the latest trolling and complaints on the boards i've been peering down at the Next Generation of gamers. Well, as I can see I do have a XBox 360 and most of the people in this forum have the Original Xbox. Well not to be mean or anything but the last generation of consoles (PS2, Xbox, Gamecube) aren't vintage consoles, so why should you change?
1. New Games are coming out.
-How would you feel if someone came over and seen you playing last years games?
2. New Technologies
- 3 Red Rings scare you right? Don't be scared of a Xbox 360, you treat it right, it'll do the same back to you. One of the bigger reasons why the Xbox 360 has had problems is cause of the way people used them. Stuck them on carpet, in enclosed places.
- Why are you playing a Last Gen console on a 63" TV? Or a new style TV for that matter, I had my PS2 hooked up to my 63" TV and it was horrible.
4. No Paid Tech Support
- Your Xbox dies, you have to pay to get a new one or get it fixed, 3 red rings and microsoft pays.
5. Backwards Support
- You love that last Gen game of Halo 2? You can use it on Xbox 360, share more with your friends too than just 4 players. Enjoy those lonesome games with Xbox live and in game voice support.
- Until Microsoft came out with the Xbox people have been waiting and waiting for this stuff. Now instead of downloading things like Updates to a game, you can rent movies, download your favorite TV Show or watch videos on upcoming games instead of causing lag online. You liked that episode of Lost last week and dont wanna wait for a rerun? Download it for 150 Microsoft points and watch it all the time you need to.
So the question I have to ask is, why wait to upgrade? Sell your Xbox and the lame games you don't want and go next generation. Being afraid of something that people complain about is stupid, I mean look at PS3, no one hardly buys a PS3 but Microsoft and The Wii are awesome. Upgrade, dont be stuck in the past.
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