Now I know nearly everyone in the world is probably angainst me on this one but hear me out.
Just look for a second besides the fact that it's "zomgHalo3GOTTABUY" for a second and although i happen to own all 3 I dont see anything all that amazing about any of them.
You know Halo 1 was orriginally gunna be some dinosaur hunter, and the only reason it took off when it did is because there werent that many great games for the Xbox when it came out then look what happend after halo, a whole bunch more shooters came out that were a lot like halo.
Now Halo 2 i thought was a great improvement, I hated that vehicle were invicible and there was a whole lot to be improved apon. And they did in Halo 2 with swords in multiplayer, more vehicles, the abilty to lock onto thos new vehicles and shoot a homing rocket at them. And my favorite part of all the ability to set matches with oversheilds swords and rockets for some great fun with glitching. The new graphics were also a welcome new feature.
Now then Halo 3, I must say imo it was an over all downgrade from 2. I will say right off the bat my favorite part of this one was master cheif's adventure through what looked to be like the inside of someone's body. Straying away from that however the game was you tipical shooter just like the others with yet again a new engine displaying new unrealistc physics and SLIGHTLY better graphics that 2. Honestly the only difference i saw was the water in select few portions of the game, an anoying blue light bloom during every explosion in single player and some more reflictions. NOw for the down grade,. I'm not sure about the rest of you but I get a little tired of the same thing over and over again even if you are online with new people or a slightly different game type. Let's face it it's the same thing, Your still just shooting each other just after that someone may go fora a flag or w/e. The great fun in Halo 2 for me was glitching, and they seem to have removed all that from 3. There's no sword cancling rocket sword cancling, crack-jumping,trigger gliding etc.... Even more upseting that that was the gimping of the sword and rocket. I miss my slightly longer sword gliding and rocket targeting.
Halo 3 woulda been a 5.0/10 if i was rating it... IM not one to be soldalone on the fack that Bungie made it, you gotta make it how we liked it...
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