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BashyMcBashBash Blog

Why MAG may be too ambitious for its own good.

Awhile back, I heard of a little game known as MAG, an online shooter that, for the most part, was identical to most FPS games...

Except for the 256 player size capacity.

Holy balls, I just wet myself.

Matches will be like real life combat as you and 120 other men take on the enemy.

Which led to me thinking...

"How are they going to communicate?"

This wouldn't be that large of a complaint, if not for the fact that there are 255 other players out there...

255...potentially racist...loudmouthed...brats...

I've had a couple of Xbox Live matches of Halo 3/Gears of War and Hell, even PS3 Rock Band VS. modes end up with random kids swearing and insulting my family, threatening my life, etc. These are few and far between, but the point remains that with 256 players...the odds aren't exactly in your favor to end up with a completely happy go lucky game of strategy and shooting...there'll be at least a handful of punks there to ruin everyone's fun.

All I can really hope for is that you get to choose your squadron...and that "all chat" is only available to commanders...because if it isn't...

MAG is doomed to ending up being a match of words between berating brats, know-it-all elitists and racist rapscallions.

And you, the player, will be in the eye of the storm.