Happy Bass-day to me! :P (If you pronounced it like the fish, or like how Japanese would pronounce it, it sounds like Birthday xP). 10,000 Bass points to whoever can guess what JDorama that came from :).
Anyways, nothing really new with me, haven't gotten any presents or anything yet, just 100$ from my grandfather. xD.
Nothing else really has happened yet, besides that fact that I'm mad that fricken serene williams beat Zheng Jie in the semifinals at the Wimbledon:x. Gahh, I want an Asian to win the Wimbledon this year :P. Well hopefully she's at the Olympics (olympics has realy tennis right? not just table tennis?). Anyways, I think I might go play some tennis, I just restrung my Prince with some Pro Hurricane Tour and I want to see how it is xD.
Well that's it for the Bass
Ja ne~!