I'm going to start this blog post off topic :P. I'm wondering if anyone who has MW2 on PS3 wants to help me get the heart callsign. Killing someone with a completely cooked grenade and without throwing it, is damn near impossible -.-.
Anyways back on topic, I have seen the movie 3 times now, and I absolutely loved it each time. That being said this blog post will be a HUGE spoiler, so only those of you who have seen the movie should continue on reading ;).
I have to say, not only was the movie interesting but so are all of the theories about it online. Some of them are just crazy, and it's really cool to see how far and complex people are taking this movie. That's my problem, I'm not sure how complicated we should be taking the movie. Is what really happened simple and right before our eyes? Or is there a lot more to the story than what was presented? Few movies have made me think THIS much about them after watching it, which is very impressive. Watching the movie three times, I have noticed several things and there is a lot to be discussed with anyone else who has seen the movie. One thing I noticed is after he was in Mumbasa and tried out that sedative, he NEVER EVER spun the top and have it fall over. He was in shock, ran to the bathroom and spun it, but was interrupted by Saito before it could topple over. Another thing that confused me a bit was the ending, was it real? Limbo? He finally saw his kids' face, yet they were wearing the SAME clothes he always imagined them in. Having said that, it leads me to a theory that I read online; a very simple one. One that states that the entire movie was a dream, and the ending sequence where he wakes up on the plane is him waking up from this elaborate dream he just had on a 10 hour business flight. That's what would seem the most possible one, since it explains everything that occurs in the movie. It's the easy way out though, that takes away from the fun complexity of the movie. There are many other theories out there, hundreds to be read. I've read quite a few, and I'm really not sure what to believe. I'm really glad they made this movie though. I wonder if they made it this ambiguous on purpose, which I'm guessing they did.
Well, what are your guys' thoughts? Theories? Interesting topics to discuss? I want to hear it all :D.