Bass7 / Member

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Oh man oh man. What is going on? - Modern Warfare 2?

Alright first of all, I would like to say sorry to everyone for inactivity! XD. I have been way too busy with school (I'm a high school and part-time college student XD). Plus Golf (Varsity baby ;D) has taken up a good part of September - October...but guess what? Season is over so now I'm free :D.

On to the topic, I'm sure all of you have heard of, or saw the leaked footage from Modern Warfare 2 right? Well yeah I'm gonna be talking about that. If you haven't seen it, good luck in finding it. Activision is really cracking the whip on finding all of the videos that are scattered over the internet. I'm sure you can find a torrent if you are really that desperate.

Ok, so please don't scroll down if you don't want spoilers xD.


As those of you who know about the video, or have seen it, it's very...well disturbing. I was quite shocked when I viewed the video for the first time. Rubbed my eyes because I could not believe what I was seeing. I playing as a...TERRORIST?...killing civilians? That is just a bit too far there Activision. Way to promote terrorism to little kids ALL OVER THE DAMN WORLD. It's a little too traumatic. America is still sensitive to the whole "terrorist" subject. 9/11 attacks, school shootings, etc. The media (especially Jack Thompson type people) is all over this. The majority of the people throwing a hissy fit are the people who are un-informed. That is completely understandable because they do not know much about the game itself. You're a CIA agent going undercover as a Russian Terrorist, and you shoot up a ton of civilians in an airport. It is pretty gruesome and disturbing. The footage was pretty shocking to watch...just imagining kids all around the world saying "hey guys! look what I'm doing! Shooting up random defenseless people muwahahaha I'm a terrorist!". Watching a cutscene isn't as bad as a completely interactive shoutout with defenseless civilians. It's just absurd. Hopefully it won't promote these kinds of acts in kids, or any other player of the game. There is a possibility for that...which is why it shouldn't even be in the game in the first place. There are too many people out there that could be hurt by this, more than the people that would enjoy this. It's a little too hurtful...

But on the other hand...I can totally see why Activision decided to include this into the game. It builds a whole new level of emotion to the game. The level has a much bigger impact on you compared to the alternate solution, a cutscene. It's almost like the difference between watching a clip on the news, and actually being there. It's a whole different kind of feeling that you get. And seriously, the game is rated "Mature' for MATURE PEOPLE....YEAH THAT'S RIGHT YOU LITTLE 12 YEAR OLDS! If a 12 year old kid can't comprehend that it's a game then he's obviously not mature enough. Everyone who is treating this whole thing as a negative part of the game is a little too sensitive. Yeah it's a touchy subject but if you don't want to see it just choose "skip" when it prompts you to. It's the same as if you don't want to go eat Chinese food, yet you walk straight into a Chinese restaurant and complain. Parents are just over reacting. There are far worse things then an undercover CIA agent (yeah he's a good it's not like you're really playing as a terrorist :|). I honestly believe GTA is far worse but I just think the media needs something to b*$%@ and moan about right now.

And besides those two in the hell did they all bring two guns each, into a high security level airport? I mean what the hell is that? There must be some idiot guard on duty. "Um sir, is that a machine gun you got there?" "Oh no officer, it's just my tennis racquet..." "Oh, okay! =D"

Well that's just my two cents. What's yours? :D
