Hey everyone. I've explained this so many times, I decided to post a blog to explain. I have resigned as the leader of the Zelda Alliance, for I have not had much time after my initial reconstruction of the union to update. I have looked over the officers and chosen leonard88 as the new leader, for leonard has been active even during my inactivity. The ZA was my first union and I will never let it die, so I have taken a hard decision in passing the union leadership on. It was my first union and I have been proud to be its leader, even though I could not take care of it as I had hoped due to time lapses.
I hope everyone gives leonard the time of day, for he will be a great leader. I will be assisting with the updates and the union as always, but we now have a leader even during my time of absence to show the union a perfect example of leadership.
For all of those who do not know what the ZA is, I hope you go and check out the union. It is picking up again and updates are happening daily.
For those who are members, please stop by and increase the activity.