In this thread, I will prove that the staff of BoneSpot are biased pricks and that GameSpot is potentially a PR site for Microsoft to spread FUD about the PS4.
A couple of days ago, one of the biggest xboners on this site claimed that the PS4 and the Xbone were equal in power. This is obviously false and a blatant troll attempt. The PS4 is more efficient than the Xbone in utilizing power while also having a bigger power pool. We see it in multiplatform games, where the Xbone continues to struggle against the PS4 despite having incredible amounts of programmers dedicating their time to optimizing the Xbone versions. The power difference is as clear as day/
The thread is here:
Notice that the thread has been up for 2 days now with 4 pages. It hasn't been locked. I've also noticed that Microsoft's damage control PR has been that the 2 consoles were equal in power. Since that thread fit perfectly with Microsoft's PR angle, the gamespot staff who has obviously been paid off by Microsoft kept it open so that it could get enough exposure from the public.
I decided to see how the mods would react if I made a similar thread with an outrageous claim. WITHIN MINUTES, my thread got closed for "trolling" and for posting "flame bait". The thread is here:
Bone spot... excuse me... Gamespot, the reason why gaming journalism isn't being taken seriously is because of shit like this. You let yourselves be contaminated by Microsoft's money and your bias is so blatant that no one wants to listen to you anymore. You want people to start taking your seriously? You want girls to stop smearing at you when you say you're a game journalist? Then start by raising moral conduct. Do the right thing and give Forza, Gears of War and Halo a 7/10 rather than a nonsensical 9/10. Stop dinking PlayStation exclusive scores just because they're only on the playstation. Give exceptional PlayStation games like TLOU a 10/10 instead of an 8/10 because you're pissed the Xbox has no good exclusives.
Unless you relinquish your blantant fanboyism, your site viewership will continue to plummet.
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