Hi, i decided to try to blog on gaming subject.I mainly play FPS games and thats also the main subject to me.If i get some feedback, i might add more posts.If i get... But then again, i might just write for the pleasure of writing.Anyway, here is my first post.Enjoy.
Modern games have changed a lot in time.But FPS storytelling has changed very little in at least the last decade.They do have gotten more cinematic, but the gameplay itself has not changed much.I think sinleplayer gaming can be inproved in many ways, to refresh the experience and i now represent you a few of these ideas.The same applies to cooperative gaming too, for most part.So i don't have to meniton coop at all.You get it, if you are smart enough.
Most singleplayer is a heavily scripted, linear and predictable.Here is a random scenario i made, to make a point.During some night time raid, you approach near a village and every single time, a flare pops into the sky at the excact point, signaling the enemy that you are approaching.Then the enemy starts storming on your position.You defeat the attackers.Then your position is shelled by mortars from the village.Then you storm the village.The machinegun nests are always in same position, the enemies storm out only from certain buildings.Everything works the same way.
Its not so hard to really figure out, whats the problem here.And one of the best cure for that is to introduce a randomness.You see, the singleplayer scenario is not really one fixed unchangable entity.Its all about small details.Like position of the enemies, AI behaviour, position of different weapons etc... Its not like, when you change one detail, the rest absolutely breaks appart and dies.Well, it can die.But if done well, it wont.
Instead of giving us the same repetive scenario, i have better idea.For example, the flare does not always have to go off.Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.Which means enemy sometimes spots you, sometimes don't.Which leads to a next element, the attack by the enemy towards your position.It can happen, but not always.Same with what happens after you enter the village and try to take it.They might counter attack you with massive forces near the end of battle, in the middle of it or never to do it.The position of snipers, static machine guns and all the rest too does not have to be fixed.There are many possibilities.Snipers can exist in many places as well, they can be in one or the other location.In both.Or in none of them.
Same is with the notion, that player always has to move foward in a world.He always has to "progress" trough environment by the minute.Always has to rush somewhere else.But with good AI and loads of randomness, it too can be changed.I don't think, that players would throw away game, if they had to fight over one village many times over and over.If the AI is good and does provide a difficult challenge and when it does not feel so scripted, it can work that way.I always wanted at least a one FPS, that has static battle elements in it.Its never been done so far.
And least of all - all game developers have a stupid idea, that good singleplayer must be a loads of pre-scripted unchangeable missions and thats it.I do see very little scenario editors in games.Arma 2 had it.It think that adding in ability to easily change or make scenarios would be a vital, it would be simply a cool feature to add some fresh stuff to the gameplay.Besides imagine all these 1000 AI battle videos, that people are gonna make! All the player has to do, is to add/remove AI units, spawn positions, items, player (re)spawn locaion and simple stuff like that.
The game developers just have to make sure, that all the AI elements such as AI nodes work, so if you toss a helichopter into a game, it knows how to fly in the given level right away.Same with any other NPC.They have to know, how to navigate the world without player having to program theyr AI.The AI nodes and stuff can be difficuly for most players to work with, so that part has to be done by developers.Also, make it so, that players can tell AI, which areas to defend and which to attack.Some NPCs are also meant to be static or stick to certain area/building/room.Now, think about all the possible scenarios you could have in a same exact village? An infinite?
And for finally, i love stats.The stats in Left 4 Dead where fantastic, though i don't like zombie apocalypse theme much.I just like stats system in that game.