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BattousaiXD117 Blog

Kingdom Hearts 2

Well I haven't been on this site for a really long time. Well to the main point, bought the game on the day it came out and beat it in 40 hrs. Not to bad if I say so myself. Now all that is left is to complete all the annoying mini-games.

AX is over

It's been awhile since AX was over but I was too lazy to write about it. I had an awesome time there this year, got to watch some of the events. I was able to watch the opening ceremony, anime music video contest, kotoko concert, maaya sakamoto concert, and the maaya sakamoto focus panel. I even got couple of gifts for friends and some model kits for myself. I even was introduced to a new anime called Burst Angel, also I got a sneak peek at the dubbed version of Gundam Seed Destiny. The AMV contest was by far the funniest event aside from the small discussion with the creators of Hellsing. Well it has been a blast but the only disappointing part of the expo was I didn't get to watch the Masquerade (too lazy to check spelling) and not remembering to look for this. There is always next year or online shopping. Need to bring friends over next year. ANIME RULES!

School's almost out & Summer plans

few more days to graduation and grad nite. woohoo. at the same time my b-day is coming up so happy 18th b-day to me! can't wait for the summer b/c i have so much stuff planned. plans include watching all the popular summer movies and spending 4 days at Anime Expo. hopefully i won't spend over $300 on stuff like model kits at AX. i also hope that i may meet my old friend at AX, unfortunately i couldn't meet her last year but this year i have made plans on meeting my friend after moving away 5 years ago. so close to nice summer w/ graduation and so close to a new life away from home. can't wait.

Revenge of the Sith!

Just watched it! Just as I expected the movie to be. Awesome fight sequences especially with Anakin v. Obi-Wan and Yoda v. Sidious. I finally got to saw Mace Windu's "glorious" death sequence. I was blown away by it. Though everyone knew the story to the movie I got some few spoilers before the movie came out so I knew how things were going to play especially with the Revenge of the Sith video game. Overall this is the best prequel. Some scenes were touching and you could feel the sorrow such as Padme's funeral along with all the Jedi Knights being killed off by the empire. I won't ruin the story since people still haven't seen it yet like me on opening day.

Leisure Time

finally ap tests are done and now few more days until i watch star wars revenge of the sith. even tho i know the story and small little detail within the movie such as why anakin needs a life support, how dooku dies, how grievous dies, and  Padme dies. I try the best of my ability to block out that name b/c ppl still don't know that this character dies. well just a few more days!