You get what you pay for. If you don't know this, you do now.
Pay more, you get more. Pay less, you get less.
This is especially true with the new video gaming consoles.
I think a lot of people forget the kinect will be used for a lot more than just 'kinect games'. A LOT more. It will be used for almost every single XB1 game that uses a traditional game pad to further enhance each game in ways you have not seen yet. That's right, even in regular non-kinect games, the kinect will track your body movements and responses to the game directly enhancing your gaming experience. That is HUGE. You just don't know it yet, because you have nothing to compare it to.
Whatever short comings you think the XB1 has when compared to the PS4 (slow ram, ect), those are insignificant in the big picture. MS cloud is not 'hype' or vaporware, it's a real resource which will be taken advantage of by developers wanting show their skills, and who wouldn't want to be recognized for that?
Sony's cloud? Oh please! Sony's cloud is all out backward compatibility and streaming video crap, not about video game processing. Only MS sees the innovation there.
The list of XB1 virtues goes on and on. Yes, the XB1 is $100 more than the PS4. But thats because you will be getting a much larger gaming experience for your money.
Don't get me wrong. I like Sony too. No, scratch that, I LOVE LOVE Sony. In fact, I'll be getting both consoles and enjoy them both. But make no mistake, MS's technological innovation and it's $66 billion dollar bank account should not be taken lightly. They have some of the smartest people in the world working for them.
One last thing. If you take nothing else away, remember this: You get what you pay for.
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