hey ;) hows everybody? as you can see in the title i bought Killzone: Liberation :D
it looks awesome, i played a demo of it and i was directly addicted too it so i decided too buy it :D
i also mad a banner of Final Fantasy VIIĀ and Final Fantasy XIII
URL: http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g183/LPUnit/FinalFantasy02copy.jpg
please rate it, if it gets enough high scores i'll put it on my profile ;)
and then too finish the anime pics ;) the 2 pics are of "Tasuku Iizuki"
one that gives you a summer feeling :P
and one for the upcoming Cristmas periode :D Santa Claus's favorite dire dear :P
and to keap the girls happy here are some guys from Naruto and Bleach ;)
Bavoke 8)