As you can see, i bought the DVD of Nightwish - End Of An Era too :D, i have only saw the 3 first songs of it but i really liked it untill then :D if your a fan of Nightwish and you havent bought the CD yet you should get the combination pack of the 2CD's and the DVD its realy good ;)
I also bought the second Underworld movie: Underworld Evolution :D i realy liked the first one so when i saw the second one in a store i bought it imidiatly :P i havent seen it yet so i cant tell you if its a good one but itll probably be ;)
in other news i went to a surprice birthday party of a friend last night and it was really fun, it started at 7 pm, there warent a lot people then but it was to early to start the party anyway, so an half an hour later there where some more people and then the party started. at 11pm i went into town whit some people, some others where coming later, so we went to a café, two girls of the party came and they where already drunk and they kept on drinking, they went really crazy, i was lauphing like hell when they where trying to give one of my friends a hickey in his neck anyway i left t 1am whit some of the guys, it was really fun :D ;)
and now some news for my friends who like Harhammer 40k adn art: i posted some scans of my Warhammer 40k art book called "The art of Warhammer 40,000". i've posted them on the board of The Miniatures Wargaming Union, here are the pics ;)
i also found some game info:
first theres a game called "Warhammer WarCry: Battle for Atluma" you can find some more info about it here
also one of my friends send me this link an hour ago, there are some ingame and art pics of "Devil May Cry 4" (PS3)
and then we got to the anime pics again :D from now on im gonna post pics by series ;) and the series of this blog is "3LDK" ;)
EDIT: i saw Underworld Evolution yesterday :D it was pretty good, i liked the first movie more. there also was like 10 times more blood and bloody fighting in this one :twisted: :P i give the movie 7,5/10 ;)
Bavoke 8)