@thehig1: We're looking at as young as 11-18, but I think most customers will be older, from 18-25 and a third group from 25-34. All three groups have slightly different needs and problems.
The school kids (11-18) will probably have enough social interaction at school, but most won't have the budget to buy a lot of games and consoles, so the appeal their is focused on the range of games they can play. We'll definitely have to target parents for this age group, like you said, so it'll have to be appealing to them as well. It could be like a weekend activity like a sports club, so your kids are away from home or an after school hang-out.
For young adults (18-34), it will still also be a budget thing depending on their income, but mostly the social aspect. For the students (18-25) within this group it's a bit a combination and what I said in a previous message.
I should also give a bit more info on the set-up I'm looking at.
Ideally we'll have a bar area with a big screen (for events, live streams, eSports stuff) as well as a few consoles to (mainly) play couch co-op or local multiplayer games. This is for the social aspect.
For those who just want to play games alone or in a small group, we'd have more closed of set-ups, booths if you will, to mimic a cozy living room. Why a living room? Well firstly to give a nice surrounding to play in. Cozy is key here. We also have all the platforms and a lot of games to choose from, including that VR game you wanted to try out, but can't at home cause you don't have the money or the space for it. Everything is also set-up for you and drinks and snacks are always readily available.
Finally we'd also have one bigger closed of room for bigger groups, events or people could hire it for parties. A bit multi use.
This will of course all depend greatly on the venue we find.
@Random_Matt: Technology ageing was probably their issue and an important and difficult one when doing something like this.
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