I bought the rock band special edition. I live in Canada but bought it in Detroit. Now I can't download the new songs because you have to have an American Xbox Live account in order to purchase them. This is just dumb. Man I wanna play the Metallica pack, Ride the lightning would be fun as hell. I'll have to wait until December the 20th to download them I suppose. This sucks.
If I was you I'd get RockBand, I have both Guitar Hero III and RockBand, and all in all I think Rock Band is was better. You have way more options to chose from and the drumming is sick fun.
Rock Band is so much more fun than Guitar Hero III. I have both and like both but Rock Band is better all around. Drumming is just insane fun, plus you still have the guitar, mic, etc.
Yeah man, turn on a separate controller, like your wireless one and set up the mic with that. That's what I did. I was a little confused whenI firrst got it. That should work. Enjoy!
I'd return it and go fet that 1080p one. You can return it at Best buy within 30 days. Just say your not satisfied with it. They'll do it, just don't take no for an answer.
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