Well today was the end of the Cryptic's Star Trek Online Open Beta event. Launch is planned for February 2, 2010 and, from everything I'm reading, will be going ahead as planned. It actually took some hard work for me to get a hold of a beta key. I didn't want to pre-order the game because I did that with Aion and the game ended up being a near total fail. (Read my Aion review here.) That being the case, I kept checking on the Star Trek Online website and finally they announced that they sent 10,000 open beta keys to NVIDIA. With them, all you had to do was sign up for an email newsletter. Other sites that Cryptic sent keys to required you to have a paid subscription for an open beta key. No way I'm paying for some crappy gaming site just to get a beta key. Anyways, so thanks to NVIDIA, I was able to play open beta for a week.
If you don't want to read the details, the bottom line of my thoughts is the game has potential. I decided not to purchase the game or subscribe because I just don't think there's enough there to hold my interest $50 worth plus $15 per month. That being said, once improvements are made, it's possible the game could be a lot of fun.
If you want to read the details, here are the pluses and minuses of my time playing Star Trek Online's Open Beta...
+ Lots of customization!! You can customize your character and his/her uniform. The customization is about as in-depth as Aion, but you also get to customize the uniform, which is beyond what Aion allowed. On top of that, you get to customize the look of your ship, which is really cool! I had a pretty awesome looking ship even though it is still somewhat limited by the type of ship you have access to based on your rank.
- Intro/tutorial mission is pretty mundane and fairly long. Yeah, I know these aren't meant to blow you away. They're supposed to teach you how to play the game. In comparison to other tutorial missions I've played in other games, though, I felt it was more boring than the average tutorial. The other problem it has is it doesn't give you enough information on how to effectively play the game. Based on reading tester feedback on the beta forums, I'm not the only person that wasn't clear on how everything works. In fact, now that beta is finished, I'm still not sure I completely understand how everything works.
+ Missions are fun! I enjoyed the missions I played and they had fairly good Trekky-type stories.
- Missions are long, which wouldn't be a problem by itself. However, it turns into a decent-sized problem. For example, I was given a mission to go to a particular star system and explore three different, unexplored planets. Searching for them takes time. Basically you fly around in a completely empty map and don't discover these planets until you are very close to them. Once you scan them and gain entry, you have some task to perform to complete your research of that unexplored planet. I completed the first one, but once I started the second one, I had to log off. When I picked up again the following day, I was kicked out of my newly discovered planet and had to find a different one. I discovered that you have to complete missions to get credit, otherwise, if you log off, you have to start all over again. Not cool!!
- The "world maps" in Star Trek Online are called "Sector Space" areas. I'm not impressed. Nothing cool happens when you're traveling at warp speed. There's no cool time spent on your bridge interacting with your ship. Nope, you watch your ship travel in the same way it looks while you're at impulse. Things can sort-of attack you, but they ask you to confirm whether or not you want to enter combat. I'm ok with that part, but to be truly Star Trek, there's a lot to change with this system.
+ Ship combat is a LOT of fun! There is technique to it, and PVP was enjoyable for me -- a person who normally hates PVP. Is ship combat realistic? No. It doesn't make it any less fun, though. Ideally, combat should be like it was in Star Trek Bridge Commander, in which you had the option to take control of the combat situation yourself, or delegate combat to your tactical officer. This would work nicely in the Cryptic design, since you have different officers on your ship. Unfortunately, nothing like that exists at this point in time.
- Finding your way around starbases is not particularly easy at first. The big problem is the lack of a usable map. Of course, once you spend some time looking around you can find stuff pretty easily in the future, but a map would be faster all around.
- You never see the bridge of your ship!! At least I didn't figure out how to see it. Others on the forums said there is a way, but that there's nothing to do on the bridge of your ship. Your bridge officers aren't even on the bridge! That's a serious problem in my book since most of Star Trek takes place on the bridge of a ship.
- Auto-grouping sounds like a great idea. It isn't! Let me explain. In some missions, you are ordered to a particular area to engage in combat. A few others are on the quest at the same time in the same area. The system will automatically group you with them. Does this help? Maybe. The difficulty of the mission depends on how many people are grouped to complete it. So the mission becomes harder the more help you get. The problem is your "help" doesn't always help. Sometimes they just sit there. So here you are engaged in combat with more ships than you would have had alone, and your teammate is afk. Or, even more annoying, is when you are halfway through your mission, and you get auto-grouped with someone who is just starting. You're off to your next objective only to find that it's more difficult than the earlier ones and your wingman is all the way on the other side of the map. Lame!
I could say a lot more, but these are the big ideas that occurred to me now that it's all over. If we could focus more of the game on my positives and make some of the negatives less negative, I would be interested in giving Star Trek Online another shot. Unfortunately, the negatives are a bit too weighty for me to pay $65 right now. Perhaps in a few months things will be better and I'll give it a chance.
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