Today, I've committed a game crime. Well not really a crime, it is just not done in gaming land. To be honest, I'm quite ashamed, but I feel so guilty I have to share this with you guys..
Well, I'm going to tell it to you now, please don't give me a digital punch in the face... Are you ready? Here goes.......
I used the easy mode in mega man 10...
But I mean, come on! You got to be kidding me! I played the first stage for 5 minutes and I jumped at spikes two times, fell of a cliff and got shot to death by that oh-so-annoying-brown/yellow-mole-robot-thing.
Flame me for the 8-bit retro morale killer that I am (true mega man-ists know what I'm talking about, It's even worse than buying a power-up or an extra life) but I don't buy a game for 800 points just to give me the feeling I'm not that good in platform games anymore (30-something?).
Btw, I realised on time playing the easy mode is for **** and got back to normal mode again, hours later, I beat 2 robots and am eager to destroy some more!
To be continued..