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Beastcake Blog

The Time Has Come

It has been a while since I have posted a blog. But I'm here at the hospital just biding time. My girl is being induced today so we should be expecting my son to arrive tomorrow. I'm probably going to be here for at least 48 hours. I'm kind of excited to see his face after all this time. But personally, I don't really know what to expect so I am kind of scared.

Right now it's just mine and her parents just talking away. But my friends should be on their way over here. (At least I know who my real friends are). I'm also kind of glad that Aladdin is on the Disney channel, its my favorite Disney movie of all time. It's actually funnier since I know what the heck is going on now.

We just want to get this over with and go home! but everyone wish me luck tonight. I'm not gonna make any promises to when my next blog will be posted but its going to be a long night...

Love, peace, and chicken grease!

A Morning After

So the Spike Video Game Awards were last night. I was overall satisfied with the results. Gears 2 won Best Shooter, Fallout 3 won Best RPG, Rock Band 2 won Best Music Game... and thats all I really cared about. Though I was kind of excited that theirs a new Gears map pack released.

I tried to buy it this morning but my account won't charge my card for some reason and I've been trying to find a way to make the stupid USAA website show my freakin' balance but its fat. So I can't really use my card for **** now. Hell, my Gamertag charged my account a while back when my year expired and I couldn't see how much I had left... last time I checked before that I had only $30. So I have no idea whats in there now.

So just this week and I'm out of school for a while.. kind of excited but with two projects due on the week I come back, its probably not gonna be all that great. But if anyone can help me find a DECENT nonfiction or historical fiction book that would be mucho appreciated. I've been looking for a good war tale but no luck so far... other than a 1000 page book. I'll stick to the recommended 400 pages.

Anyways I rented Far Cry 2 this weekend. Its going OK right now. Does move kind of slow in the beginning. I don't know why they chose a sequel to Far Cry even though they are completely different. The feral instincts were cool in the first one I have no idea why they trashed the idea. Its also slightly difficult especially ifyour in a room with 5 loud people and have no idea what your doing. Well I guess lots of games would be harder that way. Well, got to get ready now class starts in about 30 minutes. i'll update with more FC2 later.

A Blog of Sorts

Yep... this is my blog. Ok anyway, today is December 12, 2008. It's about 7:45 AM here in San Antonio, TX. I'm feeling kinda sick this morning and extremely tired.

Anyways I guess I have a story to tell.

Last night I went with my girlfriend to one of her monthly appointments. We got to hear our baby's heartbeat which is kinda cool I guess. She said I started smiling, but i'm going to deny that forever. But the doctor told us that she is 12 weeks and a few days in her pregnancy so she's past her first trimester. All this is gibberish to me, but she and her family seem very excited. I'm not all too thrilled about it. My parents say it probably hasn't hit me yet and I'll grow out of it in the coming months. I hope not. I like the idea of "I'm officially screwed". Well all I can really do is wait and see. And boy, can I wait...

An Introduction

Hey everyone. I've been gaming for almost 13 years now. Starting with a SNES and now with a X360. I'm a fan of shooters role-playing games, and music games. I've been playing on Xbox Live for about 4 years now. I've been using GameSpot as my number one provider for gaming news for about 3 years. (Had to create new account; couldn't remember password to my old email account). I have a wonderful girlfriend that I love to death whom I've shared about 2 years of my life with. I'm planning on moving to Austin, Texas to begin Graphic Designing and Simulation Programming at Devry University. Fan of playing such games as Halo 3, Gears of War, Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect, GTAIV and Rock Band. Cannot wait for upcoming games such as Gears of War 2, Fable II, Dead Space, Halo Wars, Resident Evil 5, Left 4 Dead, and Rock Band 2.

(Intro used in the Union I joined here, just thought I'd post it here to start off)