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What I Want in a Star Wars: Battlefront III

The Star Wars Battlefront series was an epic experience even for those who hated Star Wars. The vast battlefields and classes gave the game a unique feel and kept a scale that felt large and impressive. Over my time in gaming (which is about 14 years and counting) I've played the first two key entries in the Star Wars Battlefront series on the PS2, sampled one of the PSP iterations, and dappled with the first game on PC. Overall, I'd say Star Wars Battlefront II offered the best experience, but what about a third game? With all the success of these past Battlefront games, there has to be a sequel in the making. Pandemic is hush-hush about it, but if you scour the internet, you can find screenshots and even some gameplay trailers, so I've heard. So, what would I want from a sequel?

Bring Back Aerial Vehicles to Ground Battles

In the first Battlefront, the players could choose to fly aircrafts on certain ground battles, a feature that was scrapped in the second game in favor of dividing the two types of combat. I say, bring 'em on back. Flying about the battlefield while infantry fought below you added a sense of scale, tactics, and a hint of outright craziness to the battles. You might be having a gunfight on Naboo when suddenly a kamikaze fighter decides to have some fun. You might decide to get the drop on the CIS by flying around to their main base at Cloud City. I don't think aircraft should be available on all maps, maybe just a few of them.

Fix Heroes

There's nothing I hated more than killing Darth Vader, stealing a base, and turning around to see Darth Vader, alive and well, slaughtering my men. There were time limit recharges you could set on the heroes, but they never seemed to suffice. My solution? Get rid of that time limit that they have and replace it with an actual health bar, just like every normal unit. With the time limit, I always felt that I had to run out there and kill everyone as quickly as possible before my time expired. There were plenty of times when I wiped out my own men because I was trying to hurry. To fix the hero respawn, well... I say just get rid of that entirely. If a hero dies, he dies. No coming back.

No Weird Glitches

There were so many glitches and hiccups in Battlefront II, which is, of course, to be expected from such a huge game, but some of them just seemed like laziness. Okay, so there's a black dot in the air at Mos Eisley that I can stand on? If I go up to the tallest building of Mos Eisley, occasionally I will see sniper fire coming at me from the sky? As mesmerizing as some of these things were at first, I'd rather not have them exist in the sequel.

Fix Upgrades

The upgrades in Battlefront II were a welcome feature, but they were flawed. The award sniper rifle felt like it had a crappier scope than the first, anyone with an award rifle merely had to push a button and aim at your head to get an instant kill, and if you got the rage power-up, not only were you cursed with red lightning that made your eyes go buggy, but you had the honor of listening to a constant beeping noise. What's that mysterious beeping noise? Well, I'll tell you, Professor Snape. That's the sound of you being punished for being good at the game. Also, if you had the award pistol and were playing as Han Solo, switching your primary weapon would lock it, no switching back to the pistol, leaving you with a fusion cutter. Good luck, Solo.


In the PSP Battlefront game I played, players could create their own character. The creation options were limited, but accessible. I'd still like the sequel to stick to classes with fixed weapons, but customizing the appearance would be quite welcome to my gameplay experience.

Add to the Formula

The only other thing I could ask for is addition. Slicker controls, more classes, more heroes, more battlefields, all with modern-gen graphics, of course.